Combust (The Wellingtons #1)

Free Combust (The Wellingtons #1) by Tessa Teevan

Book: Combust (The Wellingtons #1) by Tessa Teevan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tessa Teevan
feel my eyebrows rising in confusion, and my voice rises inadvertently. “What the hell are you talking about? I didn’t leave you anywhere. You looked like you were having a grand old time without me back there. I didn’t want to interrupt and I had no other reason to stick around, so I took off. What else was I supposed to do?”
    She reels back and then folds her arms over her chest. I notice that she’s dressed differently. Instead of tight jeans and a concert T-shirt, she’s in a short denim skirt and a halter top that shows off her cleavage. I like the other look on her so much better.
    Before I can question it, she responds. “What are you talking about? I saw you for five seconds before you ran out the door without even giving me a chance to say hi.”
    “Really, Ruby? You wanted to say hi?” I scoff, laughing at the idea. “You could’ve said hi anytime over the last three weeks. You know where I live. You could’ve sought me out at any time, but you didn’t, did you? I wanted to, but could I say hi? Could I find you? No. And why is that? Oh, that’s right. You snuck out of my dorm room without leaving me any way to get in touch with you, and you haven’t contacted me ever since.” I know my tone’s accusatory, but I can’t help it. Now that she’s here in front of me, I realize how pissed I am that she left without a word.
    She at least has the decency to give me a remorseful look, but it does little to calm me. She reaches her hand out and places it on my elbow, and I want to pull my arm away, yet I want her to keep touching me.
    “Cohen, look. I know I shouldn’t have left that way, but it was just awkward. You know, after everything? It was easier to slip out before you woke up and things got even weirder between us.”
    “So that’s it then? What am I? Your embarrassment? Your dirty little secret? I may not have rocked your world with my dick, but I have a pretty damn good memory of you moaning as my mouth was on you, my fingers inside you. I know I didn’t imagine your orgasm and the way your fingers were gripping my hair relentlessly as you came. But was that not enough? Even after everything, I’m still a failure in your eyes? Oh, but let me guess. It’s all good. Now you’ve got your frat boy who’s probably so much more experienced than I am. I’m sure he’ll do a much better job of fucking you than I did.” Shut the fuck up, Cohen, my brain warns, but it’s too late. The words have all come out and I’m not quick enough to take them back
    She gasps, and I’m not shocked when her palm connects with my cheek. I deserve that slap. I’m being a melodramatic asshole and it’s pissing me off that she can affect me this way.
    “I don’t know if it’s the booze or what, but you’re being an asshole right now, and regardless of how I left that night, I don’t deserve your implications. I’m not some tramp that jumps from bed to bed, so you can fuck off, Cohen.”
    Sighing, I let the sting of her slap sober me up just a little. I surprise her, and myself, when I pull her into my arms for a hug. “I’m sorry, Ruby. I was out of line, and my mom would kill me if she knew I said that. It’s just… I’ve been looking for you ever since I woke up without you, and I guess I was surprised to see you with someone else already. I know I don’t have any ownership, no right to call you mine, but…that was one of the best nights of my life, and as crazy as it sounds, I’ve been missing you. But it looks like I’m a little too late.”
    Her eyes soften and she reaches her arm out towards me, but then we’re interrupted. Almost as if on cue, frat guy walks out to the street and calls her name. She cringes as she turns to him, lifting her finger up to tell him that she’ll be right along.
    “Look, I had a good time that night, too. Despite everything.” She has the decency to wince as her words register, but it’s too late. They’re already out and hanging over us like a dark

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