    “To a banquet being held by the Omega Region Ladies Auxiliary. Zen is being honored there,” Nigel spoke as he typed something on his cell phone.
    He was being praised by a ladies’ club? Of course he was. Shawna snorted making all three men look at her curiously. She ignored them and looked out the window at the scenery.
    She could feel Zen’s eyes on her. It caused goose bumps to form all over her body. She tried to glance at him under her lashes without him noticing but when she did, he would give her another one of those dazzling smiles. Damn him for being so ridiculously beautiful.
    It was an uncomfortable fifteen minutes. Every time Nigel asked her a question, Zen was right there joining in on the conversation. Whenever Zen tried to engage in conversation with her, Nigel was interrupting. It ended up with Shawna and Jimmie sitting quietly watching as Zen and Nigel argued one thing over another. It didn’t matter what the topic was, one of them would have an opposing view from the other. It would have been funny if it was not so weird. By the time the shuttle finally stopped at their destination, both Jimmie and Shawna were practically climbing over each other to get out. It was going to be a long long day.
    Zen didn’t know what had gotten into him. He was sitting there looking at the lovely Shawna when Nigel asked her a simple question about her job. He didn’t like the way Shawna smiled at the other male and didn’t want her attention on him. So Zen stepped into the conversation trying to get her attention on him. It was the most annoying shuttle ride he had ever had. He only hoped she didn’t think he was a complete idiot . Way to make an impression, Zen Master!
    As they approached the building, a lady with dyed black hair in her mid-fifties came out to greet them. “Mr. Zen! It is such an honor to have you here. I am Mrs. Filberts, the director of the Omega Region’s Ladies Auxiliary. Welcome.”
    Zen took the older woman’s outstretched hand and placed a gentle light kiss to it. “It is a pleasure to be here, Mrs. Filberts.”
    The older woman blushed. “Call me Judy, please.”
    Ugh. Zen could even charm the pants off older women too. She was so not looking forward to having to watch women fall all over themselves to get to him, and Zen was going to be in his zone. This was exactly what Zen the Sin lived for.

    “Would you like something else to drink?” Nigel asked Shawna as he was about to stand from the table they were sitting at. Shawna nodded her head, Nigel left to head toward the buffet table. She didn’t look away from what was going on before her. She couldn’t. She also couldn’t get the previous introduction out of her mind. Mrs. Filberts stood and made the most surprising statement. She was glad Jimmie was filming it because she forgot to take notes.
    “Thank you everyone for coming today. It is with great privilege to be able to present this humanitarian award to a man who has truly earned it over the last eight years. He started out volunteering at the women’s shelter, helping women of all species who were abused find homes, food, jobs, and education. As this man furthered in his own career with the GCFA, he has become one of the biggest contributors and benefactors. Still it didn't keep him from continuing to volunteer his time. With each stop on the GCFA circuit in each Region throughout the Galaxy, Zen has made it a priority to visit one of our women’s shelters and offer his personal assistance. With his help, the Omega Region Ladies Auxiliary has helped house, educate, and secure jobs for over twenty thousand homeless and abused women. It is my honor to present this year’s humanitarian award to Zen.”
    Applause had erupted throughout the room that was packed with women of all ages. Many of them were women who had been at some of the shelters the auxiliary ran. Zen blushed as he stood and walked up onto the stage.
    Zen took a moment before he plastered a charming

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