strong. Maybe he could call her and just see if she was busy.
    He had walked to the end of the hallway and was making his way back when Shawna’s door opened. He moved to the side to hide in the shadows. A tall male walked out. When he turned back to the door Zen could make out Rage’s features. He watched as Shawna hugged Rage and then went back inside her suite. What the hell?
    He watched Rage get on the elevator. Every part of him wanted to hunt down Rage and tear him limb by limb. How dare he touch Shawna? What about Rage’s mate, Rachel? He needed to find out what was between them.

    The next day Zen ordered breakfast to be brought to his suite. He was going to take his time in getting his appearance just right. He had to impress Shawna. Especially since there were two other males coming with them that day. He had to make sure he stood out to her. He also needed to look trustworthy so she would open up to him. He had so many questions for her.
    He wore his dark blue silk shirt with dress pants. He left a few of the buttons undone at the top of his shirt exposing skin. He pulled his hair back and used a tie to secure it. He hoped this look was sexy.
    He headed down to the lobby where he would meet up with the rest. The ship had just docked at the port. The first GCFA event would be tomorrow night. He had a fight he had to prepare for.
    The elevator doors opened and he noticed Nigel right away. The other male stood there in his fancy business suit. Zen had to grudgingly admit he was a good-looking male. Even if he was a slightly older, he was well-built, almost as big as the fighters and he carried a confidence that was well honed. Unlike the confidence that Zen most times pretended to have. How was he supposed to compete with a rich, successful male like Nigel?
    “Hello, Zen. Good to see you.” Halfsies didn’t shake hands with one another. They did it only with humans because it was their custom.
    Zen nodded at the other male. “Good, Nigel. Are you going to be with us the whole time?” Say no, say no.
    “Actually, no. I will accompany you to the first charity event but then I have to leave early for a meeting.”
    “That’s a shame,” Zen said it but he didn’t mean it at all.
    Both males turned when the elevators opened again and Shawna stepped out, followed by her cameraman. Damn, she looked beautiful . She had her dark hair pulled up on top of her head in a messy bun. Tendrils fell down caressing her flawless face. She wore a brown sleeveless top and a tight knee length skirt. Her heels were only half an inch high but they showed off her lovely legs. She wore light makeup with pale pink lipstick. Those lips were made for kissing and Zen wanted to kiss them badly.
    “Hello, Shawna.” Nigel stepped past Zen to take Shawna’s hands in his and lifted them up to his lips to place a kiss.
    Shawna blushed. “Good to see you, Nigel.” Again she was struck by how attractive Nigel was. But he didn’t make her body tingle all over. Not like…Zen.
    Zen stepped forward and waited for Nigel to release her hand. He acted like he wasn’t going to let her go. Zen growled a little. Nigel gave him a glare and reluctantly released her hand.
    “Hi.” Damn it! That was real smooth. He reached for her hand and she hesitated a minute before placing her hand in his.
    “Hi, Zen.” She shivered at the touch of their hands. She pulled away before he could lift her hand for a kiss. She couldn’t take his lips on her and not want to feel them everywhere else. She hated feeling anything for him, but it was almost impossible. The man did something to her. And his eyes, his incredible eyes seemed to see right into her soul. Oh God, was she ever in trouble.

Chapter Ten

    “So where is our first stop?” Jimmie asked. He was sitting on the side of the shuttle beside Shawna. She had dragged him to that spot when she saw Nigel and Zen were about to come to blows over who was going to sit beside her. Jimmie just shrugged it

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