smile on his face. It occurred to Shawna for the first time that this charming persona he displayed was a disguise, much like hers with her glasses and professional attire.
    “Thank you, Judy, for the wonderful introduction and thank you ladies of the Omega Auxiliary for having me here.” He gave a smile as camera flashes went off throughout the room. Then as he continued his speech, his expression turned serious.
    “It was mentioned that I became involved in the ladies auxiliary about eight years ago. This is true. The reasons that led me to become involved go back much further than that. I grew up going from one lab or facility to another. Abuse was an everyday fact of life for me and all the other halfsies who were prisoners and victims. Many of them were females and children. I was helpless back then to protect myself or others from neglect, painful experiments, slow starvation, beatings, or things that were much much worse.” He paused letting that settle in for people. Then he continued.
    “After the Intergalactic Department of Justice freed me from the last facility I was at, I swore I would do everything I could to make sure no one else suffered the same type of abuse that I experienced or witnessed. Everything I have done, do, or will do has not been for recognition, but for the reason I am honor bound to do the right thing. So many others ignore their duty but I refuse to be selfish and ignorant. The only insistence I made when I began to donate financially, was the shelters and opportunities be given to all who needed it whether full human or halfsie. I have seen great things accomplished through this charity and I am proud to be a member and a participant. I hope that we will be able to assist many more females with making a better life for themselves and their families. Thank you again for this award and for the opportunity to serve others.”
    Another round of applause erupted as Zen finished his speech and headed back to their table. Nigel had returned and was sitting next to her. He complimented Zen, “Nice speech. Did one of our reps write it?”
    “No, I did,” Zen replied, taking a sip of his wine. He glanced up to find Shawna was looking at him with a different light in her eyes. He looked away and began to eat his lunch.
    There was a quick photo shoot set up and Jimmie spent another hour taking shots of Zen with the other members of the auxiliary group and then with the women who he actually helped through his work with the shelters. Shawna was the one who pulled the plug on the shoot because she saw how exhausted Zen looked. He was out in the direct sunlight and she knew his eyes with those special contacts were probably irritating him by now.
    “I think we have enough. There is another charity we have to go to.” They all piled into the shuttle except for Nigel.
    “I have another shuttle coming for me. I have to go to a meeting. I’ll see you all back at the GCFA ship.” He turned to take Shawna’s hand. “Would you like dinner this evening?”
    Shawna glanced over at the shuttle and saw Zen looking at her through the window before turning away. “Thank you, but no. I am probably going to be working on the coverage from today. I would like a few interviews with the other fighters who know Zen.”
    “I will set something up for you.” Nigel frowned and then sighed.
    “Thank you, Nigel.” She pulled her hand away before he could kiss it again.
    Somehow the possibility with Nigel just went to a no possibility. She couldn’t think of anyone else when Zen filled her every thought. He was like a beautiful fungus that grew on her overnight. When she climbed into the shuttle she tried to distance herself by sitting across from him. It was not a good move because now she could look at him directly throughout their trip. Big mistake.

    Their next stop was at Zen’s other charity, at a healing facility. He quickly added some eye drops to his contacts before he got out of the shuttle. He helped

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