Christmas With Nathan

Free Christmas With Nathan by Alice Raine

Book: Christmas With Nathan by Alice Raine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alice Raine
wireless baby camera and speaker in the room so we would be able to see and hear Will from next door.
    I think Rebecca had been a little offended at first, feeling Nathan didn’t trust her to look after her own nephew, but after a few charming words Nathan had reassured her and wrapped her around his little finger. For a once closed-off individual Nathan could certainly turn on the charm when he wanted, that was for sure.
    ‘OK, well, I think you have everything you need,’ I added, feeling torn by the emotions of not wanting to leave William but also wanting to get back to Nathan for a nice evening together. ‘Oh yeah, I expressed some milk earlier for his night feeds.’ Handing the little cool bag to Nicholas, I leant in to place a kiss on William’s lovely warm head and then stepped back. ‘Call if you need anything, OK?’
    ‘Stop fussing, Stella, we’ll be fine,’ Nicholas said firmly, guiding me towards the bedroom door.
    ‘Go and enjoy your evening,’ Rebecca added, with a naughty twinkle in her eye that firmly suggested that they were well aware of exactly what Nathan and I would be up to.
    Flushing bright red, I flashed Rebecca a narrow-eyed glance then gave Will one last touch on the head before heading back downstairs and out into the cold of the night with tears stinging the back of my eyes. It was stupid to cry – he would be barely ten metres away from me – but I suppose it was instinctive to feel this way.
    Nathan was waiting in the doorway of our cottage when I got back, his face looking marginally concerned. ‘You were gone a while. Everything, OK?’
    Sniffing hard, I swallowed down my silly tears and smiled up at him, seeing my own worries reflected on his handsome face.
    ‘Yeah. It just felt weird leaving him so I took a while to say bye.’
    Nodding his understanding, Nathan saw my glassy eyes and his expression softened as he raised his hand to gently wipe away the one stray tear that had escaped. ‘He’ll be fine. Besides, we have the monitors upstairs so it’ll be like he’s there.’
    I stepped into his arms for a hug, inhaling his delicious scent and sighing happily. ‘Let’s just hope Nicholas and Rebecca wear pyjamas tonight, because I don’t fancy checking the monitors and getting an eyeful of my brother’s white arse flashing in the moonlight,’ he joked, trying to help me relax, as I gave a small giggle.
    The feel of Nathan’s hard body below my fingertips started a low fizzle of excitement in my belly. I was actually going to get to spend the entire night with him, alone. A whole, uninterrupted night. No bleary-eyed night feeds, no stinky nappies, just the two of us, free to do whatever we wanted. It sounded like pure bliss. I was about to ask what he had planned for our evening when Nathan straightened, gently removing me from his hold, and then crossed his arms across his body, widened his stance, and gave me a dark, desire-filled look.
    ‘Stella, I need you to stand still and count to twenty, then go into the kitchen. Follow the instructions you find there.’ With his authoritative command issued, Nathan turned and walked calmly up the stairs, leaving me gaping at his retreating figure. Whoa … where had that come from? One second I was dropping our baby off with his aunt and uncle for the night, then I was receiving a tender hug from my equally as worried man, and suddenly, wham , dominant Nathan is in the house.
    A shiver of lust flew up my spine at his commanding tone. There was no mistaking that raspy, authoritative voice. It was one I loved, the one that always promised of delicious naughtiness to come. I hadn’t heard it for a very long time, and boy, was I glad to hear it tonight.
    I was so aroused and excited to see what he had in store for me that I almost couldn’t wait. Except annoyingly, I had to wait, because that had been one of his instructions and I knew Nathan would expect me to follow it to the letter.
    Pressing my thighs together in

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