Come the Night (The Dangerous Delameres - Book 1)

Free Come the Night (The Dangerous Delameres - Book 1) by Christina Skye

Book: Come the Night (The Dangerous Delameres - Book 1) by Christina Skye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Skye
Tags: Romance
all the things I’ve taught you. Sift through my words, just as you learned at my knee to sift through Lavender Close’s rich dark soil. The answers are here, I promise you.
Guard them well. These are secrets that men will kill for. If you find this book, then men have already killed for them.


~  7   ~

    He wasn’t on the heath and he wasn’t on the high road. She retraced her travels of the night before, but two hours later had encountered no one except an anxious cleric returning home to King’s Lynn.
    That left the town of Kingsdon Cross.
    Silver’s first destination was a flat expanse of land along the river. Pulling up her little gig, she carefully checked her veil, straightened her skirts, and made certain her pistol was secured in her boot.
    Satisfied, she jumped down and tossed her reins over a nearby fence.
    She’d always wondered what a cockfight was like. Something told her she was going to enjoy the experience.
    Halfway through the crowd Silver decided she was wrong about that.
    She made her way slowly, pushing past men with hard eyes and women who certainly weren’t ladies.
    From the smoky pit before her came cheers and oaths. The wind carried the smell of dust and blood, and Silver felt her stomach heave.
    “Kin I help you, miss?” A tall man with an empty sleeve was standing beside a tree, frowning at her.
    “I trust you can.” Roars came up from the dark pit and Silver paled.
    “What, never been to a cockfight before?”
    “I can honestly say that I’ve haven’t had that pleasure.” Silver cast a quick look through the crowd before her. Down in the pit a ferocious creature zeroed in on his competitor. Feathers flew and harsh screeching filled the air.
    Silver swallowed the bile in her throat. “I am Mrs. Brown, you see, the widow of Archibald Brown of Brown, Brown, and Green, late of London. My dear departed husband had a bequest for a man I’m told frequents this — er, establishment.”
    “Indeed.” The muddy brown eyes narrowed suspiciously.
    “I’m afraid my husband died before he was able to find the recipient of this bequest.”
    “And just what was this person’s name, miss?”
    The man’s face went hard. “Don’t reck’n as how I know that name. In fact, I’m bloody sure of it.”
    “Well,” Silver said artlessly, “I quite understand how you might feel the need to be careful, the man being a highwayman. But my husband, Mr. Brown, died soon after being delegated to carry out the bequest, and a sizable figure it is, sir. A very sizable figure. I am certain Mr. Blackwood would want to know about it, and I hoped you might pass on a message. If you see him, of course.”
    The sharp brown eyes said neither yes nor no.
    Silver wasn’t about to give up so easily, however. “I believe he will be thankful to you. In fact, he will probably wish to give you a reward for your services.”
    A gleam lit the muddy eyes. “Mayhap he will at that. If I knew him, of course. Which I’m not saying as how I do or I don’t.”
    Silver caught her reticule close. The noise in the pit had become deafening. She tried not to think of the carnage taking place at that moment. “Please do give him the message if he comes by tonight, won’t you? I’ll be putting up at the Cross and Arms until tomorrow.”
    Shrill cheers erupted, indicating that one of the feathered creatures had been victorious.
    “Old Sawtooth’s gone and won again,” the man said shortly. “I’ll have to go.”
    That was fine with Silver. Swallowing, she fought her way back out into the night.
    Whether she succeeded or not, she knew one thing for certain. She definitely did not want to see a cockfight ever again.
    ~ ~ ~
    By the time her head had cleared, Silver began to wonder if Tinker hadn’t been right. Perhaps the highwayman would not be so easily found.
    She shoved that uncharacteristic bit of pessimism out of her mind. This was the best idea they had and she was going to

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