Along Came Mr. Right

Free Along Came Mr. Right by Gerri Russell

Book: Along Came Mr. Right by Gerri Russell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gerri Russell
into two empty seats at the table. “How was your date last night with Max? I want to date someone who smells like oranges.”
    Olivia didn’t respond to Jordan’s teasing. She said nothing at all. She couldn’t find the words.
    “Come on.” Ellie placed a hand on Olivia’s arm. “Spill. You’re killing me.”
    Instead of talking, she slid her phone and the telling picture toward Ellie and Jordan.
    “This . . . Maxwell Alexander Right III is your Max? The guy you slept with?” Jordan asked over the brim of her forgotten coffee cup.
    Why did Jordan have to be so blunt about everything? “Yes.” Olivia hesitated a moment until she could say the rest without a catch in her voice. “So, I guess now we know. Not only is he a cheater just like Damien—he’s engaged to someone else.”
    “Who posted this?” Jordan grabbed the phone to investigate. “It came from a Ms. Pickles.” Jordan bit down on her lip as she investigated. “The profile has no picture and the only bio information is that she lives in Seattle. It could be anyone.”
    “It doesn’t matter who she is. The damage is done,” Olivia replied, still trying to shake off the numbness that had descended throughout her body.
    “I feel like I’ve betrayed you, too,” Ellie said as her face went pale.
    “Why?” Olivia asked, even though she was sure she didn’t want to know.
    “Because,” Ellie said, her eyes wide as she shifted her gaze between Olivia and Jordan. “Two weeks ago I accepted the two of them as clients for their engagement party and wedding. This is that nondisclosure-agreement wedding I was talking about. They’re supposed to get married the first week of April.”
    Two weeks ago. He’d been engaged when he’d slept with her, when he’d filled her heart with promises. Sudden tears filled Olivia’s eyes. “Damn.” She swallowed roughly, forcing the disappointment back. He didn’t deserve her tears. No wonder they’d had only a 10 percent match. He’d already met the correct match.
    Jordan’s features grew stormy. “If I ever meet that bastard—”
    “Oh, Olivia,” Ellie said, reaching for her hand. “At least now that you know, you never have to see him again.”
    “But I do,” Olivia groaned, realizing.
    “Why?” Jordan and Ellie asked in unison.
    “Paige. She’s failing, and he said he’ll help her. I have to see him Monday after school.” It was the last thing she wanted to do, but Paige didn’t need another person letting her down, or hearing the drama behind why Olivia had done so. She would have to be an adult about it.
    “Do you want me to terminate my contract? I’d do that, if that’s what you wanted.”
    Olivia set her drink on the table hard. Tea splashed through the tiny hole in the lid. She was furious with Max. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t want to hurt him back for the way he’d chosen to treat her, but she wouldn’t let Ellie’s company suffer as a result. “No need, Ellie. That won’t change anything.”
    “Then what are you going to do?” Jordan asked.
    “Exactly what I did with Damien—pretend he didn’t hurt me and hope the pain goes away sooner than it did the first time.”
    “Why don’t you spend the day with me? I can get someone to cover my shift at the hospital,” Jordan offered. “We can talk this through. Maybe there’s more to the story than what you’re seeing on Facebook.”
    The engagement photos were enough evidence for Olivia of Max’s deception. “Thanks for the offer, Jordan, but I’ll deal with this myself.” She stood. Was her judgment about men so poor that she’d fallen in love with the wrong person not once but twice? “I have to go.”
    “Olivia, wait,” Ellie called to her.
    She didn’t turn around. Instead, she exited the coffeehouse and allowed herself to be swallowed up by the bustling flow of pedestrians. Her breath came in quick, painful gasps as she blindly crossed the street, heading for her office. Even though it

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