Heart's Demand

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Authors: Cheryl Holt
to help restore her brother to the throne, but an aristocratic life could be hazardous—as his own kin had learned in a murderous way. All his relatives had had their heads chopped off by the guillotine. Luckily he’d been sightseeing in Egypt when the tragedy had occurred, which was the only reason he was still walking around and breathing the sultry desert air.
    “I should like to continue on to my uncle’s site,” she said, “so I must hire a guide and some bodyguards. I was hoping for recommendations from you.”
    “I can supply you with the men you need, but I must ask—as an old friend of your father’s—what are your plans after you’ve conferred with your uncle?”
    “I have no plans after that. I’m out of options and ideas. If you have advice to share about my predicament, I would love to hear it.”
    André reflected on the kidnapper who had almost succeeded. Did she realize she was being followed? He didn’t suppose she did. Was it his place to apprise her? Should he involve himself in her troubles? He couldn’t fix the issues plaguing her, and if he became an ally, he’d have his own issues with Kristof Morovsky who had spies working in Cairo.
    Every European André encountered in Egypt was in the midst of a catastrophe. It was the general situation for everyone. They didn’t bring enough money, didn’t comprehend the dangers, weren’t ready for the harsh conditions, the peculiar customs, or problems with the language.
    He dealt in information and secrets, but he kept his distance and never grew entangled in any mess. Though Princess Morovsky was a royal, and André had considered her father a friend, she was no different than any other beleaguered traveler who staggered through his door.
    He would suggest, he would listen, but he wouldn’t actually do much of anything for her.
    He said, “You were prudent to remove your brother from Kristof’s custody and control.”
    “I appreciate you telling me. I’ve been conflicted as to whether it was the right decision.”
    “It was, but I have no counsel to offer beyond that comment. I haven’t a clue how you should carry on. I’m certain your uncle will prove himself wiser than I am.”
    “You seem quite wise to me, Monsieur Valois.”
    “You’re very kind, and in this circumstance—when you have few viable alternatives—perhaps we should pray that Kristof meets with an early and bad end.”
    “Monsieur Valois! I would never pray for my cousin’s rapid demise.”
    “I will pray for you.”
    She smiled. “You’re horrid.”
    “I can be when the occasion calls for it.” He smiled too. “Have you worried that there are men following you?”
    “Yes, but I was very careful when I fled Parthenia, and I haven’t noticed anyone who looks suspicious. I’ve constantly been on alert.”
    “I’m afraid your attacker might have been attempting to kidnap you.”
    She frowned. “You can’t be sure of that, can you? Kristof would be the only one who might bother to order it, but I’m positive he was glad to find us gone.”
    He shrugged. “It was an odd and unprovoked assault.”
    “I thought it was a robbery. Are you claiming it might not have been?”
    “I claim nothing. I simply warn you to be on guard.”
    “Believe me, I am on guard every second.”
    “Yet your brother and sister are with servants at the hotel while you are here enjoying my entertainment.”
    “I wouldn’t have left them alone if it had occurred to me that they might be in danger.”
    “I’m not saying they are.”
    “Then what are you saying?” Appearing frightened and furious, she leapt to her feet. “I hope you’ll excuse me, Monsieur, but I must return to my lodging at once.”
    “But of course.” She spun to go, and he added, “I will send a retinue of men to you in the morning. They will provide all the services you require. Can you be prepared to depart by nine?”
    “Yes, certainly.”
    “Have you funds to pay the costs, Princess? Since

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