Light Of Loreandril

Free Light Of Loreandril by V K Majzlik

Book: Light Of Loreandril by V K Majzlik Read Free Book Online
Authors: V K Majzlik
spirit to his owner. Although he stood a hand shorter than Danfur, he was far more highly-strung and lively, and took a heavy, understanding hand to control him. Danfur was more good-natured, and with Nechan’s encouragement, would allow anyone to ride him. People had always marvelled at how well the horses matched the twins differing temperaments.
    “You’ll have to take care of these horses on your journey, you will end up depending on them more than you realise now!” Jesfor quietly opened the stable gates, allowing the boys to lead the horses out into the yard. “They are both good horses!” He patted Danfur on the rump. “Take care not to ride them into the ground though. Keep them watered and well fed! And I would strongly advise you picket them close to your camp both during the night and day. There are thieves and wild animals out there waiting to take advantage of an unprotected horse.”
    “Yes, father, we know what to do!” Cradon moaned at his father’s fussing. It was not as though they had never been out in the wilderness before; their father had introduced them to hunting at an early age.
    Taking a deep breath, Nechan mounted Danfur, as his brother gave their mother one last kiss goodbye. She promised to say farewell to Danula for them. They had not wanted to wake her, fearing it would make an already difficult goodbye even harder.
    Under the cover of darkness, the twins set off, leaving their parents waving them goodbye on the doorstep. The night air was silent, too early even for the dawn songbirds. Their horses’ hooves seemed to echo more loudly than usual on the cobbled yard, so they were grateful when they started to cross the backfields.
    Nechan looked back for one last glance at his parents and their home. He could only just see them silhouetted in the small, kitchen doorway. In that moment it dawned on him that they had actually left. There was no turning back now. Nechan could not help but worry about what the soldiers would do when they discovered they were not there. Their father had promised his sons that the family would not be punished, but somehow, Nechan felt that this was unlikely; he prayed it would not be too severe.
    Danfur and Hindfel were already setting a good pace, quickly cutting across the dew-laden fields towards the back lane, as the boys followed their father’s instructions. Both horses seemed to sense the nervousness of their riders as they trotted along in the darkness.  
    By the time the sun had started to rise above the valley hills, they had travelled some distance down the lane. After several miles they came across a narrow, shady track which headed into the woods to the east. Fearful that they were being followed, conscious of every noise they made, they quickly made the decision to turn down the track.
    It was not until they had travelled far away from the main lane that they finally decided to stop. Both boys were struggling with the fact they had left home. They needed a chance to steady their racing heads and hearts. Finding a small clearing, the air already warming in the early sunlight, they dismounted, removing waterskins and packs of food from their saddlebags. Cradon collapsed on the soft grass, while Nechan carefully laid the maps out before them, careful not to damage the delicate parchment.
    He studied them intently, and after a few moments stated confidently,  “This must be roughly where we are…….and this is Ath’Garnoc……..”
    “Wait, how do you know? What’s this language?” Cradon queried, peering at the strange pen scratching that was an unfamiliar ancient text.
    “Barnon told me yesterday!”
    “Oh, Barnon told you! So it must be right then!” mocked Cradon. “So, which direction should we go in? Did he tell you that as well?”
    “Not exactly. He suggested somewhere here.” Nechan pointed to a seemingly blank area of the map.
      “Okay…..but there is nothing there!” Cradon smirked sarcastically.
    Starting to get

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