A Christmas Family Wish
    "Hello." He grinned as he entered the kitchen.
Rachel closed the door behind him. She kissed him and stepped back, her gaze
moving from his face to his daughter, her expression curious.
    "She's adorable. She looks like you."
    That made him smile even wider, sentimental fool that he
    "This is Rachel," Ian said to Ella. "She's
staying here with her little boy, Toby. You'll meet him tomorrow."
    "Hello, Ella." Rachel smiled and Ella blinked
back. "What's your dolly's name?"
    "Lulu." Ella held up her doll to show her off.
    "Lulu looks very tired after her long journey. We have
a lovely warm bed upstairs for you two."
    Ian lowered his daughter to her feet, not wanting to put her
down, wishing he could hold on to her forever and never let her go. But he
needed to fetch the plastic grocery bags from the car that contained Ella's
    He crouched in front of his daughter. "Will you go
upstairs with Rachel? I'll come up in a minute."
    She nodded. Rachel offered her hand and Ella took it. Max
had climbed out of his bed and lumbered over. Ian stroked the dog's head and he
nuzzled Ella's front. She giggled and bent to put her arms around Max's neck.
Ian would swear the old dog smiled. Maybe he had missed her too.
    Ella was adorable with dark wavy hair and brown eyes, a tiny
female version of Ian. Rachel had been nervous about meeting her; now she
wondered why. Ella was a darling little girl. Rachel loved children and it
would be wonderful to have her here with them. She imagined Toby's excitement
in the morning when he met her.
    Ian dashed out the back door and Rachel led Ella through the
hall to the stairs. The little girl stumbled and dropped her doll, obviously very
tired. Rachel picked her up and carried her upstairs and along the hall to the
smallest bedroom. She sat her on the bed, unfastened her shoes, and turned back
the covers.
    "Shall we visit the bathroom before you climb into
    Ella nodded. They walked along the hall together and Rachel
held Lulu while Ella used the toilet. She finished washing her hands and face
as Ian appeared at the doorway with a toothbrush.
    "Just in time," Rachel said. "Do you want to brush
your own teeth?" she asked the child.
    "I want Daddy to do it."
    Rachel stepped out of the way to let Ian in. He put
toothpaste on the brush and bent to clean his daughter's teeth, the grin still
on his face. Her heart fluttered with pleasure to see Ian so happy. It was as
if a light had come on inside him now Ella was here.
    "There you go, precious," Ian said. "Time to
get your pajamas on and jump into bed."
    Rachel followed them back to the bedroom and watched Ian
help Ella change, then snuggle her in bed. When he kissed her good night, she
looped her arms around his neck.
    "Do you remember your bedroom, darling?" he asked.
    Ella nodded.
    "You were only two when you last slept here. Your crib
used to be up against that wall."
    When Ian tried to withdraw, Ella hung on tight, whimpering in
distress. "Don't go, Daddy."
    He climbed on the bed and stretched out beside her.
"It's all right, darling. I'll stay if you want me to."
    Ian kissed his daughter and stroked her hair, his little
girl so small and delicate beside him. It was easy to see he adored Ella and
was a caring father—exactly what Rachel had expected, exactly what she longed
for Toby to have. This kind man had enough love for all of them; she was sure
of it.
    She leaned over, breathed in the fresh herbal scent of him,
and kissed his cheek. "I'm glad to have you back safely. See you in the
morning. Sleep well."
    He turned his head, a sleepy smile on his face. "Thank
you for being so understanding. I love you, Rach."
    He loved her. Words she had dreamed of him saying for
so many years. She sank to her knees beside the bed and wrapped her arms around
him, resting her cheek on his. "I love you too, darling. So much."
    "When things settle down, we'll have time for
ourselves, just the two of us. I promise."
    "I can wait." After eight

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