
Free Rapture by Katalyn Sage

Book: Rapture by Katalyn Sage Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katalyn Sage
response. She
was curious to see what types of things different factions would sell or show
within their booths, but … “Me? Attend with a thief?”
    “A thief?” he gawked.
    “Oh,” she said, standing. “Did I
somehow get that wrong? Did you not steal a flag from me?”
    He shrugged, losing some of his
nervousness. “Was that not the point of the round?”
    She opened her mouth to argue, and
then closed it. He was right, damn him. And he knew it, based on that teasing
glint in his eyes. Infuriating.... “I am not permitted to entertain male
company. I am sorry, but no.”
    His smile faltered, and she realized
she didn’t like the deflated expression he’d given. Not that she would make her
own reaction known. Though she could admit to herself that his warm brown eyes
should never appear so sad. She suddenly wondered what they would look like
when he was in the throes of laughter. What in the Hel was wrong with her?
    He lowered his head in another bow.
“I am sorry to take up your time.” Turning away, he lifted the flap of the
tent, and ducked through.
    “Hey,” she said, stepping around the
table and halting him before he left. “You never told me your name.” She had
heard his name when he’d been announced a winner, but wasn’t entirely sure
she’d heard it correctly, the name sounding strange to her.
    He looked over his shoulder and
faced her once more. “Apologies, my lady. My name is Ferox.”
    “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I am
    He stood to his full height, his
half-smile making another appearance and his bright brown eyes gleaming with a
hint of ... green? “I know.”
    Raine felt the heat of her face
flushing at the sight of his adoration. She hastily turned away and glanced at
her sword.
    “And it is a pleasure to make your
acquaintance as well,” he finished, causing her to peer at him as he turned on
his heels and exited the tent.
    Before she knew what she was doing,
she hurried toward the opening. “Ferox,” she called, “perhaps I will have some
time to go to the market after the banquet.”
    His face lit up, giving her a quick
peek at what his eyes looked like when overfilled with joy. At the sight, she
spun around and reentered the tent. She would not react to the attentions of
the male. She wouldn’t. No matter that he was handsome and had finely toned
muscles, with large shoulders and a thin waist. The only male she’d been around
her entire life was her father, and on very rare occasions, her half-brother,
Thor. Any male would seem appealing. Not that males were of any importance. As
Father had repeatedly told her, males were a waste of time, and were no more
than passing fancies—but victory and honor … those would stay with her for
eternity. Victory and honor were all she knew. She’d proven that well enough in
her first battle, and wouldn’t stop until she reigned Immortal Champion.
    She wouldn’t think about Ferox
again. She would certainly see him at the banquet, but no more time would be
wasted thinking about those radiant eyes and strong arms, or the way stubble
dusted his jawline.
    She glanced at the tent opening
where he’d just stood.

    Chapter Eight
    “What is that?”
    The vendor looked at the food Caleen
pointed to and picked it up. “This is lachan. It’s a delicacy.”
    Raine eyed the fish dubiously. It
looked fully cooked, steam wafted from the yellow and black skin, and on the
side there was some sort of vegetable, but she had no clue what kind. Never
having been one for fish, she shook her head at Caleen. “Uh, I don’t think so.”
    Her sister returned the look, but
was quickly replaced by one of confidence. “Well, I am going to try it.” She
whipped out some coins and handed them to the merchant before grabbing the
plate of hot, steaming fish.
    Raine turned away with Caleen
following closely behind. That had been the tenth tent they’d been to, and the
fourth one hocking some type of food. As for her, she

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