House of Ravens (The Nightfall Chronicles Book 2)

Free House of Ravens (The Nightfall Chronicles Book 2) by Karpov Kinrade

Book: House of Ravens (The Nightfall Chronicles Book 2) by Karpov Kinrade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karpov Kinrade
remember. All muscle. Tall. He wears black armor with a golden fur cape. His brown hair is long and held at the nape of his neck with a leather strap. Atop his head sits a gold crown embedded with black diamonds. He wears two swords, and they aren't merely ornamental. I glance down at my new hand and shiver. I know all too well how good he is with a blade.
    Corinne, Wytt and Kai move to stand near the Grandmasters and the King walks up and focuses his penetrating gaze on Ragathon, which surprises me. They're not even in the same Order.
    He holds out his hand to Ragathon, who takes it with obvious reluctance. The King smiles. "Hello, brother."
    My gasp is almost audible. Brothers? They're related?
    The veins on Ragathon's hand pop out as he squeezes the King's. "We are no longer brothers, my King."
    King Varian chuckles, and I feel confused. Because I hate Ragathon, so I love that the King makes him squirm. But the King, he's dangerous, and he's my enemy.
    The King turns to examine the students and Grandmasters before speaking to Ragathon again. "It seems order has grown lax since last I was here. Two failed executions, and no one of note has risen through the ranks of Castle Vianney in many years."
    He turns his eyes to Jax, the Seeker, and Thane, who are all standing at attention by the Grandmasters. With a practiced eye, he studies them. "It's time for a change. It's time to see if anyone here has any worth."
    Ragathon sneers. "It's not like you've done any better against Nightfall and her rebels."
    King Varian looks back at Ragathon and smiles. "You assume, brother, that my intention was to capture her. That's always been your mistake. Going in with both guns blazing with all the subtlety of a bull in a china shop. What did our father always teach us? The lesson you failed to learn. To defeat an enemy, you must first know them. Today I learned more about Nightfall, her team, her motivation, her abilities, than you have in all this time trying to capture her. I accomplished exactly what I set out to do. I discovered Nightfall's weakness."
    My hands shake and I hold them to make them stop. This isn't good. This is very, very bad.
    Ragathon sneers. "And did part of that lesson include making a fool out of yourself to the world with that recording?"
    I expect to see Varian get mad, but he smiles instead. "You put too much importance in your own pride and reputation. It limits you. Public opinion is as changing as the weather. I lost little compared to what I gained."
    King Varian turns to the crowd and raises his voice. "I'm hosting a tournament tomorrow. All younger Knights from Castle Vianney must compete. The winner will receive a Royal Favor at my discretion. It's time to see what kind of Knights our Orders have produced!"

    There's much cheering and shouting as the procession officially comes to an end. We're dismissed by the large bell that signals the dining hall is open.
    I've already finished my Life Force and am eating marshmallows and chocolates when Corinne and Wytt set their trays down and join me. They've both changed back into their Initiate robes, and Corinne's hair is back to pink, but I can see the remnants of their costuming in the makeup. It's amazing how much clothing can transform them from normal-looking young adults to splendid royalty.
    "You two looked incredible," I say through a bite of yummy whiteness.
    Wytt mock bows then picks up a fork and spears his steak. "Thank you. I do my best to impress the ladies."
    Corinne chuckles and takes a bite of her cheeseburger, chewing and swallowing before speaking. "I'm starving. Dad wouldn't let us eat lunch. We spent all afternoon getting fitted for our outfits."
    "It was quite a show," I say.
    Corinne rolls her eyes. "It's nothing. Just theatre." She leans forward, a mischievous grin on her face. "Never mind about politics, tell us about your apartment and what you did all weekend."
    Wytt smiles. "Yes, do tell.

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