House of Ravens (The Nightfall Chronicles Book 2)

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Book: House of Ravens (The Nightfall Chronicles Book 2) by Karpov Kinrade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karpov Kinrade
It must be glorious, all that space to yourself, no one telling you what to wear or when to eat or drink or what to say. Freedom. Utter, delightful, enviable freedom!"
    I look back and forth between them and realize they are dead serious. This is exciting for them. "It's really not that interesting. Nor is it all that spacious. My apartment's pretty small." I assume this is true, but even a big apartment in New York could be considered small to someone who grew up in a castle.
    "But what did you do all weekend? Anything fun?" Corinne asks.
    "Um, not terribly. I mean, I read books, got some rest, watched some movies, walked around a bit. That's mostly it." I'm surprised by how much I hate lying to them, these friends I've only known for a few days. Whose father wants to destroy me. But I do. I hate it. I hate every dishonest word that comes out of my mouth, but I know I have to keep saying them or everything I'm trying to build will fall apart.
    We're still talking about my apartment, a place I've never even seen, when Jax comes over and sits next to me.
    "Have you seen Scarlett's apartment?" Corinne asks.
    He looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "No, I haven't."
    I shrug, trying to look casual. "I figured it would be good to have a place of my own to go to when I need time alone."
    He nods. "You always did like your own space."
    "Are you going to be in the tournament?" I ask, changing the subject.
    "Yes," he says. "Anyone who's a Knight is required."
    Wytt smiles big. "It's going to be so cool. This is a great build-up for the Tournament Festival after finals."
    "What's that?" I ask.
    Wytt grins. "It's a weeklong festival here at Castle V. There are lotteries throughout the world to give people who can't afford the outrageously high tickets a chance to attend. It's a lot of fun. And Knights from everywhere come to compete. The winner gets a Boon from the Pope!"
    "That sounds fun," I say, distracted by all the laughing and yelling around us as people talk about the tournament tomorrow. I didn't realize tournaments were such a big deal.
    Wytt stands to leave. "I've got to place my bets before tomorrow."
    Corinne grabs his robe before he walks off. "Nope. Remember, you promised our father. No more betting."
    He groans and slumps back onto the bench. "Why'd you have to remind me? It's just a bit of fun." Wytt looks over longingly at a group of people placing bets, Thane in the center, puffing out his chest and laughing.
    "All of you who bet on someone else are just burning your money," Thane says. "I'm betting two million… on myself. Bet against me at your own risk."
    The chattering stops as the others around him stare open-mouthed.
    I lean over and whisper to my friends. "Where'd he get so much money?"
    "Stories are," Wytt says, "it's not all legal."
    That makes me curious. An Inquisitor and Cardinal, sworn to protect the law, potentially dealing in illegal activity. I wonder why no one has investigated.
    A young woman with curly hair and a sweet smile walks up to our table with a large basket full of colorful ribbons. "Get your token and choose your Knight!" she says.
    Corinne pulls out some coins and picks a red ribbon. "Scarlett," she says, smiling, "you should give one to Jax."
    I blush and glance at Jax. "Jax doesn't need a token to win, I'm sure."
    Jax clears his throat and stands to leave. "I've got a meeting to get to. I'll see you all later." He turns to me. "Bye, Scarlett."
    "Bye." I pick up a piece of chocolate and look at Corinne, who's studying her ribbon. "Who are you giving yours to?"
    Wytt nudges her shoulder. "My guess is The Seeker. Right, sis?"
    Corinne blushes and nods.
    Wytt continues his teasing. "My sister has a crush on the Knight. I don't blame her. Kira's hot."
    "I just think she's very skilled," Corinne says. "And she's one of the highest ranking female Knights in her order. I admire that."
    Then she giggles and covers her mouth. "And she is really hot." 
    This morning we are all excited.

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