The Killing of Olga Klimt

Free The Killing of Olga Klimt by R. T. Raichev

Book: The Killing of Olga Klimt by R. T. Raichev Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. T. Raichev
arrangement. You talk to him about Charlie and he talks to you about me. That’s correct, isn’t it? I don’t suppose Rupert ever talks about me in a sympathetic way? No, you needn’t answer. I am being a bore. I know it’s silly of me, but I can’t help feeling the tiniest bit jealous.’
    ‘You needn’t be. There is absolutely nothing between me and Lord Collingwood. And I don’t talk to him about Charlie any more.’
    ‘Rupert thinks the world of you, my dear. He keeps singing your praises. Says you were the best private secretary he ever had. He’s been having dreadful problems with his current secretary. I believe he’s thinking of sacking the poor wretch, perhaps he’s sacked him already.’
    ‘Lord Collingwood is extremely interested in heredity, isn’t he?’ Joan said.
    ‘Well, yes. He is.’ Lady Collingwood’s hand went up to her forehead. ‘I am sorry but I find sudden changes of subject a little disorientating. You are a very determined kind of person, aren’t you, Joan? But you are right. Rupert is particularly exercised on the subject of “tainted blood”. He has expressedsome very radical – some may say dangerous – opinions on the subject, not dissimilar, in fact, to those entertained by the Nazi elite during the last war.’
    Joan said that Lord Collingwood had struck her as a little preoccupied when they had last met.
    ‘When was that? No, you needn’t answer. You mustn’t think I try to pounce on you each time Rupert’s name gets a mention. I am not the least bit interested, I assure you. I don’t know why we keep talking about Rupert. I do find his latest obsession a trifle puzzling. He says his family tree is “all wrong”. What does he mean exactly? And he has started writing memos to himself. Or is that something people do? Doesn’t that suggest some kind of split personality?’
    ‘Not necessarily.’
    ‘Last week Rupert ordered two pocketless suits. He says that’s symbolic. Symbolic of what? He never explains what he means.’ Lady Collingwood sighed. ‘It seemed such a good prospect when I first married him, you know. Rupert was what we used to call a “good catch” – military-minded, Bellona’s bridegroom, uncompromisingly Christian, descended from Scottish kings, his mother a former lady-in-waiting to the Countess of Athlone. There was also the sheer grandiose splendour of Collingwood Castle. I allowed myself to be won over. Not that I struggled much, mind!’ She smiled. ‘Have you ever been to Collingwood?’
    ‘Once, as a little girl. With my mother.’
    ‘Ah, your mother … Of course …’ Lady Collingwood reached out for Joan’s hand and held it in hers. ‘You have been very brave, my dear. Very brave . I know what you have been through. I mean that whole unfortunate business of the phantom engagement.’
    ‘If you mean Charlie and me, it wasn’t a phantom engagement. It was a proper engagement, only Charlie left me soon after.’
    ‘Unfortunately these things do happen. All break-ups are horrid. You took it rather badly, I understand?’
    ‘I am OK now. So kind of you to ask me to lunch, Deirdre.’
    ‘No, no, my dear, the pleasure is entirely mine! I always felt we should be friends. I must say this new colour is quite unusual. If you don’t mind my saying so, it doesn’t quite express your personality. It makes you look a bit frivolous, which you are not. I hardly recognised you. Did you do it because of Charlie? In the hope of getting him back? Did you attempt to bring about un retour de flamme ?’
    ‘No, it has nothing to do with Charlie. I have got over Charlie,’ Joan said in a slightly louder voice.
    ‘Are you sure, my dear? Rupert is not entirely convinced. He is a bit worried about you, you know.’
    ‘He needn’t be. I was upset and for a while I found it hard to cope but I managed to get over it. That’s all there is to it. As a matter of fact I’m seeing someone else. So it is not as bad as you seem to

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