One Last Shot (Cupid's Conquests)

Free One Last Shot (Cupid's Conquests) by Danielle La Paglia

Book: One Last Shot (Cupid's Conquests) by Danielle La Paglia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Danielle La Paglia
wrapped his arm around Shelby ’s waist, pulling her against him as they swayed together in the dark. “I thought of you every day. You stopped taking my calls and even your dad put me off . No explanation, no real goodbye. I tried to be pissed off, but it never lasted long enough to get you out of my head. Then after all this time I was back and in your bed and you w alked out again. I’ve been lost since the injury, and truth be told, long before that. I though t leaving L.A. would solve my problems, but everything was so wrong here. ”
    “I tried to make it right the best way I knew how ,” she said . “ I knew paying off the debt wouldn’t erase the last ten years, but I couldn’t have it hanging between us forever. Everything I did was because I loved you. They may not have been the smartest things, but I thought I was doing what was right. ”
    “I know,” he said, wiping a tear from her cheek. “I was pissed and confused and ran back to L.A. , but things were even worse there —t hat’s when I knew.” He pulled back enough to look into her eyes. “My home isn’t in L.A. and it’s not in Texas . I t ’ s right here in this bar, with you.”
    “Welcome home,” she whispered. 
    His lips met hers and she wrapped her arms him. As the song ended, he broke the kiss, picked her up and carried her to the little room in the back of the bar, knowing there’d be no more running away for either one of them.

    Eros slid onto the barstool beside Dionysus, still riding the high from reconnecting Justin and Shelby .
    “Well done,” Dionysus said, waving at the bartender for another shot.
    “It was a good match.” Eros slammed his shot and dropped the glass on the bar.
    “I have to say, you had me a bit worried there when he took o f f to L.A. , but the car was a nice touch.”
    Eros shrugged , but couldn’t keep the grin from his lips.
    “I told you she was a fiery one, didn’t I? Damn I love a woman with a temper like that. Not only did she keep the bar, she drew blood as well.” Dionysus pounded his shot and called for another round. “So how many more of these things do you have to do? Because the parties just aren’t the same without you around charm ing the panties off all the wome n. We make a great team.” They clinked shot glasses and threw them back.
    Eros spun his empty glass in circles on the bar. “I have no idea. I haven’t heard word from him yet so I don’t know if I’m getting any closer to coming back or if I’ ve just cracked the tip of the iceberg .”
    “He’s just got a bolt up his ass . H e’ll come around. In the meantime, you fulfilled y our end of the bargain and earned yourself a little bonus.”
    “Is that a fact?” The heat of the tequila flared to life, radiating to the tips of every nerve.
    “Yes, it is.” Dionysus grinned, motioning to someone behind Eros.
    A hand slid across his shoulder and down his chest. The warmth of a body pressed in against him, lips tickled his ear, sending a shiver up his spine. He turned and found a curvaceous maenad attached to his side. Dark curls slithered down her back and over her shoulders, ruby lips giving him a wickedly inviting smile. Her emerald slip dress left nothing to the imagination, her nipples hard and tight beneath the shimmering satin. She gave him a slow wink and his cock hardened. He slid his hand across the slick fabric at her waist and glided it down the curve of her ass , cupping the ripe flesh in his hand. It may not be a happy-ever-after ending for him, but he was damn sure going to be a happy-for-right-now.
    The End

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    Evernight Publishing


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