Andi Unstoppable

Free Andi Unstoppable by Amanda Flower

Book: Andi Unstoppable by Amanda Flower Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Flower
Tags: Ebook
fell back in the line next to Bergita, I could always get a second opinion. “Bergita,” I whispered. “What do you think about Dominika Shalley and the ghost story? Do you think it could be true?”
    She stepped over a rock in the middle of the path. “I don’t believe it. Ghosts are just fancies of a person’s imagination. It’s a good story, and I do love a good story. I’m sure when someone sees the ghost, or thinks they see the ghost, it’s really a trick of the light or a shadow. It’s something perfectly mundane. However, when someone gets an idea in their head that a ghost is around, then that person sees the ghost because their mind is playing tricks on them.”
    I bit the inside of my lip. I couldn’t tell Bergita that Colin and I had maybe seen the ghost. First of all, it would be admitting that we left our tents in the middle of the night, and second of all, she’d think we were crazy. The second was the worst. Bergita wouldn’t be the least bit surprised that Colin and I went exploring.
    Bergita sighed. “Claudette seems set on taking us on another death march today. I’ll see if I can get her to slow down.” She forged ahead.
    Ava walked over to me. “You’re asking a lot of questions about the ghost. Are you scared?”
    I glared at her. “No.”
    â€œCould have fooled me,” she said with a shrug. She joined Bergita and Claudette at the front of the line.
    Technically, only Claudette, Ava, Colin, Bergita, and I were together in our quest to see the Kirtland’s warbler, but as I looked behind me I saw a line of birders eight deep, including the triplets, following us. They paused when I turned around. Suddenly every last one of them brought their binoculars to their eyes like they were searching the trees for other birds.
    We were being followed. I hurried to join the others at the beginning of the line. “Claudette, do you know you have other birders following you?”
    â€œDon’t worry about them,” Claudette said, glaring at the group of shame-faced birders. “They think the best chance they have of seeing the Kirtland’s is by following me. I always have a group of leeches on my tail feathers.”
    Ava rolled her eyes when Claudette said “tail feathers.” I had to admit it was taking the whole birder thing a little far.
    One of the people following us was Paige, Gregory’s student. I wondered why she was with us instead of with Gregory.
    Claudette, Bergita, Ava, and Colin went on, but I stood on the edge of the path and waited for Paige and the other followers to catch up.
    â€œBeautiful day, isn’t it?” one of the triplets said.
    â€œIt is. Is this good weather for birding?” I asked.
    He smiled. “The very best. I have a good feeling about today. I think Claudette will finally see her Kirtland’s.”
    â€œIt is about time,” another triplet said.
    I kicked a twig off the path. “I know she’s never seen one before and really wants to see this one.”
    The third triplet lowered his binoculars from scanning the treetops. “In a way, that’s true.”
    By now, my group had disappeared around the bend. Most of the other birders including Paige had gone around the bend too. It was just me and the triplets. Today they wore matching navy blue windbreakers.
    â€œWhat do you mean?” I asked.
    â€œShe claimed to have seen a Kirtland’s warbler before. I believe it was at Magee Marsh, which is the best place for birding in Ohio, maybe in the entire country, during spring migration. We go every year, don’t we, boys?”
    The two other brothers agreed. “The very best birding.”
    â€œWhere is it?” I asked.
    â€œWestern Ohio near Lake Erie. Thousands of songbirds stop there in May to recharge before they make the final long flight over the Great Lakes into Canada. It’s especially known for

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