The Wedding Guest (Colorado Billionaires Book 5)

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Book: The Wedding Guest (Colorado Billionaires Book 5) by Regina Duke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Regina Duke
father’s eye. Mom and me, we did alright.” He shrugged. “But my stepbrother and I have never been close. It’s almost like his father worked to keep us away from each other. I don’t think he wanted us to be close, or even friendly. We went to different schools and everything.”
    “Wow. That sucks.”
    Kirby laughed abruptly. “I’m sorry. Hearing that come out of your mouth was a surprise.”
    Madlyn laughed with him.
    As they talked, the landscape turned into a carpet of rolling green. Here and there Madlyn could see modest houses surrounded by fields. The mist was gone, and the sky was a brilliant blue dotted with white puffy clouds.
    “This is beautiful,” she said. “It reminds me of parts of Colorado.”
    “Good,” said Kirby, sounding much more relaxed. “When I come out and visit, I’ll feel at home then.”
    Madlyn was filled with a warm and tingly rush. “That would be wonderful.”
    “And what about your ex-boyfriend? He won’t come after me with lights blaring and nightstick swinging, will he?”
    “Ha! No way. He’s in Los Angeles, being a big city cop. That’s why he left Eagle’s Toe. It was too small for him.”
    Kirby shook his head. “He left you for L.A.? Sounds like the worst trade in history. Didn’t he offer to take you with him?”
    Now it was Madlyn’s turn to squirm. “He offered to do exactly that, and not an ounce more.”
    Madlyn focused on her thumbs. “He wanted me to come to L.A. and be his kept woman. He was going to set us up in an apartment so we could play house, but he didn’t want to marry me because he thinks marriage means children and he doesn’t want kids.”
    The car swerved so quickly, Madlyn thought for a split second they were going to wreck, but Kirby had pulled sharply into the lot of a tiny hamburger joint.
    Once the car stopped, she found herself pulled into Kirby’s arms and a comforting hug. Kirby murmured in her ear, “He’s a total jerk. You did the right thing. You’re worth so much more than what he wanted to give you.”
    A few seconds later, he let her go.
    Madlyn’s eyes burned with tears. “Thank you.”
    Kirby traced the outline of her cheek with one hand and fluffed her red hair. He glanced about. “As long as we’re here, shall we get a burger? I didn’t have breakfast.”
    Madlyn nodded. “Okay. It’s almost lunch time.”
    “Or second breakfast, at the very least,” said Kirby.
    She started to get out of the car, but he took her hand and pulled her gently back. “As for kids? I want at least six. Just thought I’d let you know.” He winked at her, then let go of her hand and got out of the car.
    The rest of the day was so wonderful, Madlyn thought she would burst from happiness on several occasions, and if not that, at least burst from eating so much good food. They drove all the way to Schenectady, where they had a delightful three o’clock meal at a hole-in-the-wall Italian restaurant. And when Kirby finally admitted that they would have to turn around and go back to Pawling, they found a rest stop with soft serve ice cream.
    Madlyn was sad to see the day end as they parked next to the B&B. Gravel crunched under their feet in the dark as he walked her to her door. Their goodnight kiss was the stuff of dreams. He waited for her to unlock her door and get safely inside.
    Once she did, she found Vicky sitting cross-legged on her bed in her pajamas, staring at her expectantly. “Welcome back. Sit down. I want every detail.”
    Madlyn laughed softly. “Oh my gosh. Do you think it’s too early to start thinking about wedding decorations?”

    Friday morning, November 20th
    M adlyn, Kirby, Vicky, and Brewster shared a table in the dining room. Brewster seemed very quiet, but Madlyn didn’t pry.
    Kirby barely ate a bite. He couldn’t take his eyes off Madlyn long enough to find his eggs. “I’m really sorry, Madz, but Brew and I have to make an appearance at the Manse today. The

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