The Wedding Guest (Colorado Billionaires Book 5)

Free The Wedding Guest (Colorado Billionaires Book 5) by Regina Duke

Book: The Wedding Guest (Colorado Billionaires Book 5) by Regina Duke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Regina Duke
gentle shove. It popped right open. “She might have fluttered against it and when it opened, she went in.”
    “I still don’t see how it—” As he spoke, they felt a breeze coming down the hall, and a moment later, the small panel swung shut. As it did, they heard a click.
    “There you go,” said Madlyn. “Once she was inside, she wouldn’t have been able to figure out the mechanism, unless she was the smartest bird on the planet. Poor little thing.”
    Kirby exhaled loudly with relief. “Thank you so much.” They headed downstairs.
    Brewster popped his head out of the room. “All is secure. The errant dinosaur spawn is busy with her seed bowl. Shouldn’t we be getting ready?”
    Kirby’s relief turned to dismay. “The Manse!” Kirby looked torn. “Brew, give me a minute. Madlyn. There’s something I need to—”
    Brewster cleared his throat, more loudly than necessary.
    Madlyn took pity on Kirby. “Go, get dressed, and do what you have to do.”
    “Thank you for saving Pearl.” On impulse, Kirby leaned in and planted a quick kiss on her mouth.
    The feelings evoked by the kiss shocked them both. They froze, their lips an inch apart, gazing into each other’s eyes. Neither one breathed. Then their lips met again in a long slow caress. Madlyn whimpered. Kirby moaned and pulled her gently into his arms.
    Brewster muttered, “Good Lord,” and retreated into the room.
    Kirby ended the kiss regretfully. “I’m so sorry. I have to go.”
    Madlyn was beyond words. She blinked at him. “Must you?”
    Kirby stared into her eyes, then squeezed her hands. “Spend the day with me,” he said softly.
    Madlyn nodded, still unable to speak.
    “I’m so fond of you.”
    Madlyn croaked, “Mutual.”
    Kirby’s smile lit up the corridor. “I’ll be down to get you in a few minutes.”
    “Yes, please.”
    Brewster called, “Kirby!”
    “Bye,” he whispered, forcing himself to release her fingers. Then he called out, “Brewster! Change of plans!”
    Madlyn wiggled her fingers in a reluctant farewell. She floated down the stairs and outside to the annex.
    “I thought you went to the common room for tea.” Vicky was maneuvering her hair into a French twist.
    “Oh, yes,” said Madlyn. She sighed dreamily. “It was lovely.”
    Vicky stopped what she was doing and eyed her friend. “I know that look. Someone is in love!”

    M adlyn inhaled sharply. “No way. I’m not in love. I’m not falling into that trap again.”
    Vicky smiled and turned back to finishing her hair. “Whatever you say, but I know that look when I see it. You can’t fool me.”
    Madlyn smiled against her will. “Maybe there’s some affection there.”
    “Are you sure it’s not too soon? I mean, you are sort of on the rebound.”
    “Three months is a lifetime.” She made a face. “Hey, you’re the one who told me it was time to move on. Besides, compared to what I feel for Kirby, I don’t think I was ever really in love with John. I think I was settling.”
    “I knew it. You are in love.” Vicky grinned as she grabbed her sweater and purse. “Are you coming? Maria is sending a car for us.”
    “Oh no. Kirby has asked me to spend the day with him. You don’t mind, do you?”
    Vicky laughed. “I knew I was right. Love, love, love! Go on. Have fun. I’ll give Brewster a ride to the Manse.”
    Madlyn grabbed her purse and headed outside just as Kirby was coming around the corner of the building. They met halfway to the BMW and without even pausing, they embraced. Madlyn felt him holding her tight, like a drowning man to a buoy. She wondered if she felt that way to him. A moment later they were in the car and driving faster than they should down the two ruts of road that connected the B&B to the pavement.
    “Is everything all right?” asked Madlyn.
    Kirby gave her a quick smile. “Brewster had a few words he wanted to share with me.”
    “He’s not mad, is he?”
    “Hmm? Oh, no. He’s a champ. He’ll

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