The Doctor's Medicine Woman

Free The Doctor's Medicine Woman by Donna Clayton

Book: The Doctor's Medicine Woman by Donna Clayton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Clayton
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, I
poor guy was just going to have to learn the hard way.
    “Travis,” Jane said, attracting his attention and his gaze, “Greg told me about Diana. A Medicine Woman? That’s fabulous for the boys.”
    Nodding and smiling, Travis couldn’t help but feel Diana’s presence in Philadelphia was a double-edged sword. She was wonderful for the boys. But she was hell on him.
    “I’m sorry I’ve been so busy getting things ready for this wedding,” she said. “I’ve wanted to come meet the twins. But you’ll bring them to the wedding, right? Oh, and Diana, too.” Jane’s smile widened. “She can be your date.”
    “Great!” Travis’s eyes rolled heavenward. “Just what I need. A date with the very woman I’ve been trying to avoid.” He got up and tossed some money on the table to pay for his sandwich. “I’ll meet you guys back at the office.”
    “What?” Jane looked from Greg to Sloan and back again. “What did I say?”
    “Nothing, honey,” Greg told her. “The poor man’s just having some hormone problems.”
    “You’re sick?” Jane asked.
    Travis heard honest concern in her question, but he didn’t turn back around. He simply continued toward the door knowing full well that Sloan and Greg wouldn’t miss the opportunity to clear up the matter for her and in doing so make him the object of some joke or other that they would think hilarious. Sure enough, his friends didn’t disappoint him.
    “He’s sick, all right.” Greg cast forth a boisterous laugh.
    “Yeah,” Sloan chimed in. “He’s suffering from sexual dementia.”
    Travis only groaned under his breath, his face flaming red, as he shoved his way out the door and onto the sidewalk. Hormone problems? Sexual dementia? Had his friends completely lost their minds?
    He wanted to deny it. Vehemently. But he couldn’t. He was afraid his friends were as sane as could be. He was also afraid they had correctly diagnosed his situation.

Chapter Five
    D iana felt a little like an outsider at the small wedding reception. It was clear that Travis held Greg and Sloan in great esteem. The three men were more like brothers than friends. They razzed one another, hugged one another often during this special occasion and laughed with each other frequently, just as family is wont to do.
    Jane, the new Mrs. Greg Hamilton, was gorgeous in her full-skirted white wedding gown. Her honey-blond hair was upswept in an elegant French twist and her short, pearl-studded veil floated around the back of her head like a tiny tulle cloud.
    When Travis had explained that Jane had planned the wedding in less than a month, Diana could hardly believe it. However, with the way the bride’s blue-gray eyes danced with joy, not to mention the fact that she and her new husband touched and kissed at every opportunity, it was clear that Jane and Greghad fallen for each other hard and fast, whatever the circumstances of their short courtship. The two of them were deeply in love.
    Diana only hoped that their wedded bliss lasted longer than her own had.
    Bliss? Had she ever experienced overwhelming happiness while she’d been married to Eric? Even on the day they had exchanged vows?
    Looking at the rapture Jane was so obviously feeling, Diana came up feeling empty inside.
    No, she and her ex had never encountered anything resembling the kind of wedded bliss that Greg and Jane were feeling. Diana was certain.
    The mere thought of the months she’d spent as a married woman made her chest fill with emotions that were dark and thick and viscous. Sometimes the recollections—and the self-blame—became so strong, they swirled and rolled around her, catching her up and tossing her to and fro as if they were mighty hurricane winds. This time, she successfully pushed her way out of the memories before they could take hold of her and pull her into their sordid and ugly vortex.
    At that moment, Diana watched as Greg and Jane danced together, both of them holding close a redheaded toddler

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