Blue Horizons (A Horizons Novel Book 1)

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Book: Blue Horizons (A Horizons Novel Book 1) by Kathryn Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Andrews
Tags: Horizons Series
haven’t socialized, ridden in a car with, or been touched by a guy that wasn’t someone I hadn’t known for a very long time, and all of these things happened on one night. I was so close to him that if he had lowered his arm, we would have been hugging. And although it was just one finger, he may as well have been holding my whole hand.
    Oh well, in the end, it doesn’t matter if I like him or not. It was one night, one hour from start to finish, and after today, I’ll probably never see him again. I live in New York, my professional life is extremely restricting, and I could never be what he’d want me to be . . . assuming that he did want me, that is. I gave up on the idea of being with someone else a long time ago. Dating means affection, affection means touching, and touching is something I just can’t do.
    It’s time to change the subject.
    “Speaking of Clay . . .” I draw out. Emma’s entire face lights up at the mention of his name, but she deflects.
    “No, no, no, we are not talking about me this morning; we are talking about you.” She points a finger at me.
    “Well, I’m done talking about me. Time to take Tank out.” I stand and Tank jumps up at the sound of her name.
    “You can run and hide all you want. Doesn’t change the fact that he’ll be here in a few hours.”
    Placing my cup in the sink, I shoot them an indifferent look.
    “Whatever.” If only that were the truth. I’d never tell them, but I am so excited to see him again. Butterflies take off in my stomach just thinking about his blue eyes and handsome face smiling at me. One thing is for sure—this weekend has definitely turned out different than planned.
    Walking out the back door, I spot the familiar red of the kayaker from yesterday morning. I don’t know what it is about this particular one—there are always people boating on the lake—but the smooth and serene way he glides across the water is beautiful. I’ve never given much thought to kayaking, but maybe next summer when we’re here I’ll give it a try.

    I hear the truck pull in as it crunches along the driveway and Emma sprints through the house to meet them. While she is excited, I’m so nervous I feel like I’m going to be sick.
    A mixture of voices grows louder as they enter the house, and I squeeze my eyes shut knowing that any second now he is going to be in the kitchen. I am so embarrassed about last night. He must think I’m crazy. Not that it should matter to me what he thinks, but for some reason it does.
    “Hey,” he says from behind me. The sound of his voice awakens the butterflies in my stomach. Act normal, Av. You can do this.
    “Hi.” I wipe my hands on the apron tied around my waist and turn to face him.
    Holy hotness. I thought he was hot last night, but here in the light of day he is just so much more. My eyes wander over the length of him. He’s tall and lean wearing a pair of jeans that hug perfectly across his thighs, and he has on a blue and red plaid button-down with the sleeves rolled up, highlighting his muscular forearms, plus a defined chest and broad shoulders. This man is a work of art, and by the time I make it to his face, a smirk showcasing that perfect dimple is winking at me to let me know I’m busted for checking him out.
    I lean back against the counter and blow my hair out of my face. Every part of me that had been nervous about his behavior toward me today disappears by this one look from him. His eyes are so blue in contrast to his dark hair that they remind me of the sky on a cloudless spring day. His eyelashes are thick and as he watches me, there’s something so familiar about the two of us together that I’m immediately put at ease and those butterfly flurries change their tune to excitement.
    “These are for you.” I push the plate in his direction. “Happy birthday.” My words are rushed; I feel like an idiot.
    “You made me cupcakes?” He looks at the plate graciously before he looks back at

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