Dark DNA: A Paranormal Romance (Vampire and Werewolf)

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Book: Dark DNA: A Paranormal Romance (Vampire and Werewolf) by Cera D.[paranormal] Colby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cera D.[paranormal] Colby
Tags: Paranormal
telling an upper class man something like that, yeah he really felt up on his game today. Both of them, they must have thought they were just going to stroll off without the girls saying a word. Boy, were they wrong.
    Gabby slammed her fist against the table top with a force that compelled her hard plastic lunch tray to vibrate itself a few inches away from where she’d slid it earlier. Her burger bun flopped off to the side from atop it’s meaty base and a few fries fell on the floor. Ripples bumped from side to side in her soda.
    She rose from her seat with conviction, heat rising in her face. She felt like a lit firecracker about to burst. If he had been closer, Mr. Blue would now have a fist firmly planted in his left eye. Lucky for him he was several feet away.
    Gabby’s belief in what she spoke of was more than just that, though, but she would have to prove her beliefs without any reasonable doubt to be of existence. Therefore she needed physical proof instead of one relying on her word alone. And she knew that too. But Mr. Blue and his buddy Mr. Green, and all those annoying pains in the asses like him, she really just wanted to kick them all in the crotch!
    “And just what do you know about it? You don’t even know what we were talking about!” she thundered to the boys as they were making their departure.
    The sophomores stopped in their tracks and about-faced to the girls still standing in the same spot. “Well, I do know there’s no such thing as what you were talking about. Plus,”   said the one in blue, pointing at his temple, “you might be a little bit off in the noggin.”
    The teacher, still standing by the vending machine, pressed a button on the soda machine as soon as Mr. Blue finished. The soda dropped into the basket in the bottom with a loud clank. He reached over and picked it up, popped the top, took a sip and then waited for the outcome of this unprovoked and punkish verbal attack initiated by the boat shoe brothers.
    Now Beth rose from her seat in her friends behalf. She flipped their two antagonists the middle birdie and said, “And this doesn’t mean you’re number one, by the way. Why don’t you two go find yourselves some toys to play with?”
    The boys looked to each other, and then back to the girls, smirked and took steps in their basic direction.
    “Whoa! Stop right there boys! Right this instant!” the teacher announced. “I think you two need to do exactly as the young ladies requested.”
    “But…” the boy in blue started.
    “But what… Would you like to tell your story to the principal – or let it go?” the teacher asked.
    Without question the two would rather not tell it to the principal. Who in their right mind would want that? The cargo brothers shrugged it off and without haste made their way out of the cafeteria, side-by-side.
    “Good day, ladies…” the teacher said before he followed the boys out.
    “Thank you.” Gabby yelled to the hero teacher after he left the cafeteria.
    “I’ll show ‘em.” Gabby said.
    “Don’t sweat it. They’re a couple of clowns.”
    But Gabby could not shake the thought of proving those clowns wrong.

Chapter 2
    2 Years Later……
    Pop! Zap!
    “Crap! Drat! Shoot! Snot! Rats! Fudge! Frack! Son of a … ”
    Gabby swore again and again as electricity popped once more and a new charge flowed through her body giving her another painful bite. It was truly beginning to annoy her at just how many times she’d been electrocuted today. If she had to endure one more french fry-session she was ready to throw her whole device right out her second story window.
    She threw the phillips head screwdriver down on the floor in a little fit and wiped her messy long brown hair out of her face angrily. She’d been working on the device for over four hours now and it still didn’t do what she wanted it to. If she had a tenpenny nail right now she could probably bite it right in half.
    A lot was riding on this pile of metal she had

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