Dark DNA: A Paranormal Romance (Vampire and Werewolf)

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Book: Dark DNA: A Paranormal Romance (Vampire and Werewolf) by Cera D.[paranormal] Colby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cera D.[paranormal] Colby
Tags: Paranormal
been playing with, for what seemed like years now. If she couldn’t get it to working soon and prove the bunch of clowns at the University that she was right, and not a complete lunatic, and that they had no right to laugh at her continuous claims of paranormal being existence, then she could very well sit down and cry right here and now. Her reputation was at stake, true, and she sometimes wondered if her sanity were too.
    Supernatural beings – those things that go bump in the night, she knew they were real. Ever since she was a child she’d known that creatures like vampires and werewolves had to exist. There was no doubt in her mind. In fact, she once saw a werewolf – right below her own bedroom window, when she was just 12 years old.
    And no, it wasn’t just a stray dog, like her parents had suggested, laughing at her story. The memory still stung as though it had just happened when she thought about it. That creature had had red eyes and it was twice the size of any dog she’d ever seen. No way it was a dog – and she knew all about dogs, having done so much research on them just to refute the possibility that what she had seen was a dog. Not a dog – no, no, no!!
    Gabby had been working on proving their existence ever since that night. Her scientific studies, her technical courses, her mechanical wizardry, her constant research, the library visits and online searches along with her contact with all the teachers at the University of Science, it had all been with one single purpose in mind – to be able to prove to the world that they, supernatural beings, really existed! And then the credit for the discovery would be hers, and hers, alone.
    Based on the way things were going today it just looked like she would be laughed at forever. She was so tired of being compared to UFO hunters. If she heard one more ET, alien, Extraterrestrial or little green men joke she was going to beat the living crap out of that person. Nothing was working out the way she had planned today and she was truly aggravated and ready to relieve a bit of her frustration.
    Furiously she slapped the digital camera sized machine now sitting quietly on her desk, knocking it a few inches across her counter before she walked over and collapsed onto her bed. A metallic clanking reverberated around the room as she lay there fuming about the device and the fact that it still wasn’t working like she wanted it to. She rolled on her side on her small bed, stared at her posters on the wall, trying to distract herself while thinking what she should try next.
    Trying hard not to cry, she was just that aggravated at the days events, she just lay there a few minutes when suddenly, the contraption she had just slapped the crap out of started beeping! It’s lights started flashing yellow, orange and red, and the needle bounced excitedly around behind the small glass window located on the top.
    “What the hell…,” she said as the machine jibbered and jabbered as it sat on her desk. Gabby jumped off the bed, almost fell on the floor and ran as fast as possible to get back to her desk. She crouched on the chair in front of it, eyeing it suspiciously as it just kept working it’s way through all her warning signals that she had installed on it. Afraid to get her hopes up too high, she really didn’t know what to do concerning this new change of events.
    As far as she could tell, it definitely looked like it was working! And if the readings were coming through exactly the way she’d designed her device to read in the first place, then there was definitely one close by! A real supernatural being! She grabbed the medium sized hand scanner from off her desk, turned the volume completely off, and ran down two flights of stairs from her apartment down to the street, too impatient to shut her front door or wait for the elevator. Once she got down to the street she looked at her hand scanner, walking in the direction that indicated a strong signal.
    Its lights

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