Teach Me: Sinful Desires

Free Teach Me: Sinful Desires by Sienna Mynx

Book: Teach Me: Sinful Desires by Sienna Mynx Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sienna Mynx
sparring would be nice. Or was that wrong? Yes. She liked talking about the deed and writing about the deed, but this was a bit different. Her writings never had the texture of reality. And her readers noticed. If Rain were to be with Sir then she wouldn’t be the one in control. And submission was something Destini deeply feared. She’d been submissive at all the wrong times in her life and paid the price for it. Fear formed a tight ball in her throat that she couldn’t swallow. She was alone in a room with a man she didn’t know, teasing him. He could do her just as much harm as good. Was she sure of the fantasy now?
    Destini turned.
    He approached. His footfalls like thunder, though soft and steady, echoed in the room. Her heart pounded so hard she put her hand to her chest for fear it would burst through her breast.
    Sir lifted the scarf to her face. Soft silk darkness fell over her eyes, and she shut them obediently.
    Sir’s hands went over her perfect skin. He liked brown skin. Was it a fetish? Possibly. Sir usually went for darker; it was true those juices were the sweetest.
    “You don’t fool me,” he whispered. She visibly tensed. He liked that too. It confirmed what he suspected for the four years he observed her from afar. She was fresh, unspoiled a virgin to the lifestyle she claim to know enough about to write in her spicy novels. Rain was utter bullshit, Destini, however, was the real thing.
    Damn, she’s sexy . Not the average kind of sexy either. No, this one had a purity to her that made her corruption priceless. He could tell. Sir considered himself a connoisseur of fine things, sexy women, pleasure and pain. He’d passed on plenty of pussy in search of it. Ajani wasn’t unique in its offerings, but rarely did he come seeking a jewel like this one. He’d moved a lot of obstacles to bring her here. To have her. He would enjoy this.
    “Ah, sweetie, what’s next?” she asked with a quiver in her voice. Her false bravado was sublime. Sir licked his lips and ran his hand down her arms.
    Look at her. The way she breathes, the nervous fidgeting. Even now she tugged at the side of her short skirt as if she could hide from me. I can tell she’s all woman, all ladylike, soft and sweet. She thinks this is only one night of adventure. My sweet brown beauty doesn’t know that this is just the beginning.
    Sir’s fingers reached for the zipper binding her to the dress that gave her breasts a sexy lift. He eased it down.
    “Wh-why… why cover my eyes, sweetie?” Destini asked softly, the sass in her voice gone.
    He brought his face over her shoulder and pressed his cheek to hers. “Because, kitten, I want you to feel, not think. Pleasure and pain, when done just right and when measured by a master, is the best way to explore. Understand me, you are not in control. You and I both know it. So cut the bullshit.”
    “Why should I trust you?” she asked.
    “The answers to whatever questions you have I can give you,” he chuckled. “That’s why you chose me Rain . I want to teach you, for me, for my pleasure and eventually yours.”
    She grew quiet. He had no worries that she would flee him, even if she tensely contemplated doing so. At this point she wasn’t aware, but soon she’d learn her body and a lot of truths. As her teacher, he guaranteed it.
    The dress peeled away to reveal the sweet contour of her back, so perfect it should have been chiseled by Michelangelo to be preserved for eternity. Her skin radiated such warmth he had to press his palm against it. In doing so, she sucked in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He eased the dress off her round hips and again smiled at her lack of undergarments. Good girl.
    He stepped behind her, pressing his hardness into the cleft between her perfectly shaped ass. His hands moved under her arms and cupped her breasts, testing their weight. A pinch to her nipples and they both tightened instantly.
    “Do you touch yourself often?” he asked in

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