Teach Me: Sinful Desires

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Book: Teach Me: Sinful Desires by Sienna Mynx Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sienna Mynx
    “Alone? No one there but you. Do you touch yourself?” Sir asked.
    “Ah... well no. I… no.”
    “Why not?”
    “Finish,” he said.
    “Because I don’t think it’s, uhm, I––”
    “I understand,” he said.
    “What? What do you understand?” she asked.
    “You,” he answered.
    He squeezed her left breast, but let his other hand roam freely down her taut abdomen to the apex of her sex. She was so delicious that he actually shivered after dipping a single finger into the plump folds.
    “I have another question, Rain.”
    She shivered, her naked body in his arms. He flicked his tongue at her shoulder.
    “I’ll only ask it once,” he told her.
    He withdrew his middle finger and let it rest at the apex of her sex. “How do you like it?”
    “I told you, if––”
    “No. You did not. So, think carefully, and answer truthfully. Do you have to want a little for yourself to open you up? If you do, you need to say so now. Even a pet is granted a wish. Mine are. But I only ask once. Mmmm, it’s not hard, is it? To tell me the truth. To reach deep and pull out all that frustrated desire you’ve been denied?”
    “You assume too much.”
    He laughed. “Fair enough. I am known to make assumptions. Then correct me. Give me a clue. Do you want me to fuck you so hard that your spine breaks and all that is left is submission? Or should I eat this pussy before and after I give you the strap?” he said as he tapped his finger on the lips of her sex, “and get all in that cherry ass of yours until you’re drunk off me. Think about it, Rain. The bed or the floor, in the shower or right where you stand I can make it happen for you. I can have you drop down and hold those ankles and open up for me right here and now. Should I introduce myself first? Get you ready? That’s what a woman like you wants… a proper introduction.”
    “You don’t know a woman like me.”
    “Oh, yes I do. I’ve touched these petals and felt that flame no one ever strokes. Rain,” he released a throaty chuckle. “The truth, sweetheart, is that you don’t know a man like me.”
    She sighed as if the threat were a proposal; he actually felt her vagina moisten in his palm. Sir rubbed his erection against her ass and tried to calm himself. If he weren’t careful she’d have him on his knees begging. It was exhilarating, finding a woman to excite him once more. How long had it been?
    “Still no answer? Mmmm… then let me show you pleasure first.” He plucked at her bud and twisted it between two fingers.
    “Yeess,” she hissed, slowly reacting by working her ass.
    “Turn for me,” he answered back.
    “You can tie me up later. If we’re to fuck, then I want it on equal ground,” she said, snatching the blindfold off. She turned and those irises, brown looked up under upward swept lashes with serious conviction. He was disappointed. His kitten wasn’t ready. She didn’t understand the rules she wrote about in her saucy novellas. They weren’t under contract as he usually enforced with his pets. So he didn’t want to frighten her by punishing her the way he typically would for such brazen rebellion. He’d worked too damn hard to bring them this far. So what was a Master to do?
    This was his fault. He’d been so taken with her vulnerability. He hadn’t warmed her up to the concept of surrender. Tonight held such promise. He returned his finger to her pussy as his face drew in. Slowly, those sexy eyes of hers closed, making it easier for him to reclaim control. He made a mental note to not stare into them until he was finally fucking her into a new millennium.
    His lips pressed to hers. A polite kiss initiated one peck then another. With the next, he ran the tip of his tongue at the seam of her lips and beckoned entry. Her hands slowly lifted, then grasped his arms. It was possibly to keep standing, because there was a noticeable jolt within her once he plunged his

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