Safe to love you (Ink Series - Spin Off Book 2)

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Book: Safe to love you (Ink Series - Spin Off Book 2) by Jude Ouvrard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jude Ouvrard
could have her all to myself, get to know her better. I decide to give it some more thought, and see how the next few days pan out.
    The past ten days have been great. I haven't heard anything from Dean, and I've talked to Presley every day. I haven't been able to see him more than twice, but that’s okay. I'm taking things slowly. Presley turns out to be the type of guy who needs to make sure I'm doing fine. I know he’s been worried about me, particularly because of my asshole of an ex-boyfriend, but actually, I'm doing great. I feel free to live my life and now that my face has healed completely, I enjoy going to read in the park or the nearby coffee shop. That sort of thing was always an issue with Dean. He didn’t like it when I spent time alone in public. Jealousy was controlling for both him and me. I'm enjoying my life very much without him in it.
    Presley interrupts my Sunday morning reading session with a phone call. I get almost giddy when I see his name show up on the screen of my phone. I love hearing the sound of his sweet voice.
    ''New York? Are you kidding me?'' I ask. To say I’m surprised by the invitation is an understatement.
    ''I know it's…hmm. I guess it’s a little too soon, we haven’t known each other long, but I thought you might like the distraction.'' I can hear the hope in his voice. He wants me to go with him. For Presley, it’s a way to make sure I was safe.
    ''When are you leaving?'' I question. I need to know if I can make a trip to New York work with my schedule.
    ''Monday. The flight leaves at one am.''
    ''Geez, Presley, that’s a little last minute, don't you think?'' I exclaim.
    ''I know... I...''
    ''Alright.'' I agree before he can continue.
    ''You’re coming?'' He sounds surprised.
    ''Yeah.'' I respond with a huge grin on my own face, happy it doesn't hurt when I smile anymore.
    ''I'll get you a ticket. We’re going to stay at the Marriott Marquis in Times Square. Is that alright?”
    Is he serious? How can you go wrong with a Marriott hotel? He had already hooked me with ‘New York’. ''It sounds great, Presley.” I chuckle. “I didn’t expect an offer to go to New York when you called.''
    ''Yeah, well, Ali thought... I... well... I thought it would be good for you to get away for a bit, you know, a little distraction. I'll have to work most of Monday, but I should be done around dinnertime and we can spend all day Tuesday together.''
    I’m already nodding, even though he can’t see me. I’ll take what I can get. I love spending time with Presley, even if it's only for thirty seconds at a time. Plus, I like the idea of getting to know him better – it’s important to me.
    ''Okay, I'm sure I’ll manage to find something to do on Monday. It's New York, there’s got to be something interesting going on somewhere. I could probably spend my day in a bookstore, like the one in that movie ‘You’ve Got Mail’ with Meg Ryan.''
    In actual fact, there are so many things I can do in New York. Visit the Statue of Liberty, or the Metropolitan Museum of Art , then there’s MOMA and Central Park! I’m excited about the idea, and I hope we’ll have time for a walk in Central Park – it would be incredibly romantic. Romance with Presley sound like the perfect escape from reality right now.
    Presley is laughing. ''Whatever makes you happy, Abbie. If you don’t want to spend the day in the bookstore, you could always spend the day with me. You could be my assistant,” he suggests casually.
    Oh! Maybe that was his plan in the first place; maybe he wants to spend the day with me, rather than have me go off sightseeing. I’ll be more than happy to pretend to be his assistant, for as long as he needs me. ''Sure, okay, I can always visit the bookstore later.''
    I've never visited New York before; no matter what we end up doing, it should be fun. After disconnecting the extremely long call from Presley, I look around my apartment, already planning what I’m intending to

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