Safe to love you (Ink Series - Spin Off Book 2)

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Book: Safe to love you (Ink Series - Spin Off Book 2) by Jude Ouvrard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jude Ouvrard
pack. It’s only a one night trip, so I won’t need a lot. I make the decision that packing a backpack will do. I’ve never been the type of person who carries her entire wardrobe when she goes anywhere. I'm a pretty simple girl. Jeans and t-shirts always do the trick for me.

    Planes . I truly don't like planes, they make me anxious. My palms sweat like a criminal in church, and I’m anticipating that every announcement is going to be informing us that we’re all going to crash and burn. It’s going to be a long flight and I intend on napping for most of it. Sorry, Mr. Presley! I certainly won't win travel partner of the year!
    I'm so tired. It's 11:30pm and Presley has arrived to pick me up. We grab coffee and something to eat on the way to the airport. Once we arrive, we drink our coffees on the bench outside. I guess he doesn’t like eating in his car. Of course, he does have a nice car, and I have to admit he keeps it pretty neat.
    After he called and asked me to go to New York with him, we talked on the phone for hours. My ear was hurting by the time we disconnected. Everything about Presley is intriguing, and it only makes me want to know even more about him. He is passionate, protective, artistic – and so freaking hot. The only thing I’ve found strange was his reaction when I suggested meeting him at his place, instead of having him pick me up to go to the airport. He almost sounded panicked... and I don’t understand why. I'm not going to ask him now, but I get the feeling he’s hiding something. While I'm not letting it go, now isn’t the time to bring it up. I’m sure I’ll discover why he didn’t want me to come to his apartment at some stage in the near future, and if not, I’ll pry mercilessly until I figure it out.
    The airplane is about to take off and we're sitting side-by-side in our seats. Presley caresses my knee with his fingers, and I lean my head against his shoulder. His cologne is intoxicating, a mix of lemon and various strong spices. I press feather-soft kisses on his neck and goose bumps form on his skin, confirming he likes it.
    I don’t know what it is, but around Presley, I always have a need to touch him.
    We’re halfway through the flight and I'm extremely tired. My eyes are getting heavy and my vision is blurring. I’ve been reading a lot lately, and I have to complete a report on this book in three days. A seven hundred page contemporary romance; it's been a great read, and I only have a hundred pages left.
    I try to stretch out my cramped legs and arms in the confined space. Seeing my discomfort, Presley lifts my legs over his. He places a hand on each side of my face and kisses my lips, deliciously and passionately. Each kiss only serves to heighten my desire and awakens a yearning for him. He's killing me. I want to get closer to him, but sitting in an airplane doesn’t allow much room to manoeuvre. Presley pauses in his assault, gazing into my eyes; I think he’s trying to read me. I’m quite certain all he's going to see in my face is longing, hope and desire. He squeezes my knee gently and he seems nervous. ''You are the prettiest – you know that, right?''
    “Mm hmm.''
    “Go to sleep, Abbie. It's going to be a long day.”
    He puts his arms around my neck and I doze off lying against his chest. What I wouldn’t do, to fall asleep like this every night, without fearing an argument or a battle. Presley is so different from Dean and I don’t feel any fear when I’m with him – he makes me feel safe and important.
    I have the most charming and charismatic woman in the world sitting beside me, sleeping soundly. I would love it if she could be mine, forever. I hope she will be, because I feel so much for her already. I could happily spend the rest of my life with her. I can’t stop watching her and I’m elated she agreed to come with me to New York. I love that she is trusting me enough to come with me. It’s a big step for her, I’m sure.

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