The Nathan Daniels Saga: Part 1

Free The Nathan Daniels Saga: Part 1 by Sam Lippert

Book: The Nathan Daniels Saga: Part 1 by Sam Lippert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Lippert
of straw, which Nathan unstrapped and hid behind the hologram.  Remi went inside and got a large pail of water, while Daniels and Omany strapped two crates of sandals onto the donkey.  When Remi returned they let the donkey drink its fill, and headed out for the one mile walk to Jerusalem.
    When they reached the marketplace, they found an empty stall, tied up the donkey, and set up shop.  They did a decent business during what was left of the morning, and by midday paid a few Denari to feed both themselves and the donkey.  They heard rumors throughout the day that Jesus was teaching in Jerusalem, but nothing firm about where he could be found.  By the end of the day, word had gotten around about their sandals, and the area in front of their stall was mobbed.  They doubled their asking price and still the crowd was not deterred.  By the end of the day, they were out of stock, and had quite a large bag of Denari.
    They headed back to the ship, tied the donkey to one of the landing pads, where it would stay behind the hologram, and put its straw and water within reach.  They then retired to the ship for the night.
    *   *   *
    The next morning they loaded their borrowed donkey up with two more crates and made their way back into the market place.
    When they arrived, there was already a mob of customers waiting for them.  They started selling the sandals at triple their original price, and still they sold as fast as they could pull them out of the crates.
    Just after midday the crowds started to die off a little.  They were down to twenty sandals left, when there were sounds of a commotion at the Temple, just outside the marketplace.  Sounds of coins flying and angry words could be heard above the normal din of the market. 
    “ Bingo!” Nathan said.  “I'm going to go tail Jesus and his followers.  We need to know where they are staying so that when the time comes we can follow them to the passover meal.  Otherwise, we will miss our shot at the grail.  After that, keeping up with them will be easy.” More crashes from the direction of the temple.  “Once you have sold out, head back to the ship, I will meet you there.”
    With that, Nathan departed, pushing his way through the crowd heading for the temple.  As Nathan headed to the temple he reached into the pouch he had on his belt.  Inside was a sub-dermal tracker.  It was a tracking device that could be implanted just under the skin.  Once activated it would broadcast for seventy-two hours, allowing him to track whoever it was on.  He needed to find a way to implant the device on Jesus or one of the apostles.  It was the only way he would be able to know what house the last supper would take place in.
    The tracking device had a small airgun with it.  The manufacturer stated it was accurate to thirty meters.  Actual implantation was supposed to feel like nothing more than an insect bite.
    Nathan neared the entrance of the Temple and he saw Jesus and his entourage emerging.  He was worried about implanting the device on Jesus, in case he was somehow able to tell what was going on.  One of the apostles would be a better bet, with Judas Iscariot being his ideal choice.  He had to get close enough to be able to identify his target, but remain far enough away so as not to be conspicuous.
    Daniels followed the group through the city, staying at the fringes of the crowd.  He noticed that even with the ebb and flow of the crowd, there was a core of people around Jesus that remained the same.  Obviously, some segment of the group was made up of the apostles, but there seemed to be more than those twelve men.  There was one woman who remained always close to the teacher, obviously this was Mary Magdalene.  She would be a good choice for the tracker, but there was no historical evidence that she was at the Last Supper.
    Nathan thought about his options.  He could tag Jesus with the tracker and take the chance that it wouldn't work.  He could tag

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