The Nathan Daniels Saga: Part 1

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Book: The Nathan Daniels Saga: Part 1 by Sam Lippert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Lippert
Mary, and run the risk that she wasn't at the last supper.  He could tag one of the other men, hoping he actually hit an apostle.  All in all he felt the best plan was to plant the tracker on Mary.  Even if she wasn't present at the last supper, she would likely stay with Jesus right up to the last minute.
    Now it was just a matter of lining up the shot.  He continued to follow the group and as they headed up a rise he saw his chance.  He took aim with the little gun and 'pop', let the tiny tracker fly.  He was rewarded by seeing her swat at her arm as if swatting away an insect.  Mission accomplished. 
    That night, back at the Nola , Nathan activated the tracker and zeroed it in on one of the ship's view-screens, with an overlay of the area they had mapped on the way down.  He smiled and went to the galley for dinner.  Things were in good shape.  Time for another excellent meal prepared by Omany.
    “ Everything is on track,” Nathan said.  “Tomorrow is Wednesday, by the local calendar and Passover starts at sundown on Thursday.  We should be sold out of sandals, with plenty of local currency, just in time.  With the tracker planted on Mary Magdalene, we'll have three days of treasure hunting before anyone knows what the stuff is worth.  We'll also have front row seats for one of the more interesting events in the galaxy.”
    Wednesday passed uneventfully for the crew of three.  They finished selling their sandals and had bags and bags of Roman Denari.  Nathan kept Remi up late in anticipation of the late night they would have the following evening.  He wanted them both to be able to sleep in the next day.  By the time they went to sleep, the sun was just starting to peak over the horizon.
    * * *
    They awoke, well rested, early Thursday afternoon and gathered for a large meal in the galley before heading out.
    “The next couple of days are going to be quite intense," Nathan reminded his crew.  "We need to follow Jesus as discreetly as possible while collecting the artifacts.  We have enough coin to pay what we need to in order to get them, as long as we are careful and don't drive the prices up because of our interest.  Once we have an artifact one of us brings it back to the ship, that way if we run into trouble, we can lift off as quickly as possible.”
    “ How are we going to prove the authenticity of these items?” Remi asked.  “I have been wondering about that for days.”
    “ I’m glad you asked,” Nathan responded.  He sat a small case on the table and opened it.  Inside were three pieces of jewelry, appropriate for the culture.  He passed them out.  “These are video and audio recording devices.  They transmit directly back here to the Nola .  Everything we see or hear for the next three days will be recorded.” Nathan pinned his on  and the others followed suit.  “The record will not only serve to demonstrate the authenticity of our collection but will also be worth something in and of itself.”
    Next, he passed out small bags of Denari.  “Each time you return to the ship with an artifact, get more coin.  We don't want too tempting of a target for thieves.”
    “We will likely be splitting up and having to regroup throughout the next couple of days.  These devices will aid us in doing that.”  Nathan turned on a nearby view-screen  “Each camera device also acts as a locator beacon, and shows as a blue dot on the screen.  Each signal is unique and allows our dots to be labeled.”  Remini looked at the screen.  There was a large blue dot that appeared to have the labels R, O, and N.  Some distance away from the blue dot was a red dot labeled M.  There was a map overlay, with the city labeled.  The red dot was on the far side of the city from the blue dot.  There were keys that allowed the user to pan, zoom, and scroll the display.  “Because of the current zoom setting our data overlap, and are labeled with only our first initial.  The red dot is

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