Safe to love you (Ink Series - Spin Off Book 2)

Free Safe to love you (Ink Series - Spin Off Book 2) by Jude Ouvrard

Book: Safe to love you (Ink Series - Spin Off Book 2) by Jude Ouvrard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jude Ouvrard
back on him. He's like a fucking predator; stalking his prey.
    As I get towards my car, he hits me.
    Fucking Asshole.
    ''Come on, you’re going to hit me now? Wasn't it enough for you to hit the woman you supposedly love?'' I taunt him, even though it’s probably a lousy idea.
    People are staring at him. Even though he's humiliated, he fakes a smile, and pretends he doesn’t give a fuck. I get in my car and leave him standing there like a moron. The adrenaline has kicked into high gear. I’m not the type of person who walks away from a fight. I didn't actually know I had that much self-control.
    Sitting in the car, I dial Abbie’s number. ''Abbie, do me a favor and double check that your door is locked,'' I growl when she answers the phone.
    ''Why?'' she questions nervously, but I can hear her rattling the safety chain on the door and relief floods my chest.
    ‘‘Dean was in the parking lot. Just be especially careful, okay? Call me if you need me for anything at all . Please stay inside your apartment.'' My hand is shaking when I clench my fingers onto the steering wheel.
    ''Okay, I will.''
    ''Abbie?'' I wait for her response, wanting to make sure I have her absolute attention.
    ''Yes, Presley?''
    ''Be safe, I don’t want you getting hurt. He's dangerous.''
    I’m glad she changed the security code on her alarm system this morning. I know she’ll be safe, as long as she stays inside. She's supposed to be having her locks changed later today, so that eases my mind a little bit more.
    This is so fucked up. I finally meet the girl I’ve been waiting years for, and she's so loving, so pure, and this asshole is trying to destroy her. I truly hope he hasn’t hit her like that before. There’s no excuse for abusing a woman – ever. Not physically, not emotionally. Dean Hurley is a fucking prick, and I want to rip his fucking head off.
    I need to distract myself or I’ll just turn around and go and beat the shit out of him. No doubt Josh’s already gone to work, but Ali's probably home. I’ll stop by her place first. I need to talk to someone.

    ''Presley Williams, refusing to fight? Did I hear you right?'' Ali makes it obvious she doesn’t believe a word I’m saying.
    ''I told you, Ali, this guy's crazy, as in mentally ill crazy. I didn’t want to risk it. It wasn’t like a fight in a bar. This guy wants to choke me with his obnoxious ties. Getting into a fistfight with him just didn’t seem like the smart thing to do.”
    She's laughing, which surprises me. ''Well, in less than twenty-four hours this girl has changed you more than I’ve managed to do in the last twenty-four years.'' Ali sighs. “That’s good. It’s nice to hear she has that kind of influence on you.''
    ''It’s a lot more than influence; I’ve never felt like this about a woman before. It’s almost as if she owns me or something.'' I rub my face, trying to get it clear in my head, but I still don't know what’s going on. It’s all so confusing. I can't wrap my head around it.
    ''Soulmates?'' she suggests quietly. Her expression is deadly serious, and I know she wants the truth from me.
    I smile grimly. ''Something like that.'' Could I already be in love with Abbie? It’s a distinct possibility.
    ''Will I get to meet her properly soon?''
    ''I hope so. I have a shoot in New York in two weeks, I’m leaving on Monday... but I hope I see again her before I leave.''
    Ali’s eyes light up with excitement. ''Presley, why don't you invite her along?''
    Is she crazy? I don’t want to scare Abbie away. Inviting her to go to New York is absolutely out of the question. This is way too fast.
    ''Nah, it’s too soon, Ali.''
    ''You should at least ask her,'' Ali insists.  “She can always say no.”
    ''We’ll see.'' I’m not so sure it’s a great idea, though I would love to have Abbie by my side. It's a photo shoot for a magazine; I could probably bring her along with me without too much drama. I have to admit, the idea is appealing...and I

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