All Is Bright

Free All Is Bright by Colleen Coble

Book: All Is Bright by Colleen Coble Read Free Book Online
Authors: Colleen Coble
Tags: Ebook
would live long enough to be prosecuted.
    Shyness enveloped her as she sat back down on the sofa. “I have something for you.” Was she being presumptuous? He hadn’t given her a gift. Maybe she was reading more into their budding relationship than he felt.
    Or maybe he is waiting on me to show some effort too.
    His fingers closed over the package, wrapped in Superman Christmas wrap. “I can’t wait to see what you picked.” He lifted a brow at the sight of the paper. “Superman?”
    â€œI’d be dead if not for my own personal Superman.” She didn’t care if he thought she was corny to say something like that. She’d gone to bed thanking God he’d sent a man who cared enough about her to risk a fiery inferno to save her.
    Had she chosen a book he’d like? She knew his heart, that he cared about helping others no matter what the cost. Biting her lip, she waited for him to tear the paper off the book and turn it over and reveal the title: George Washington’s Secret Six: The Spy Ring That Saved the American Revolution.
    His grin beamed. “I’ve been wanting to read this.” He dug out his phone and showed her the note with a list of books he wanted to read. The top book was the one in his hand. “How did you know?”
    Did she dare to reveal her thoughts? Staring at the emotion in his eyes, she decided if he could risk burns, how could she stay silent? “I know you love history, and I wanted you to read about others who were as brave as you. You’re the kind of man who would risk anything for God and country, just like these men. You work quietly in the background to do all you can to hold back the forces of darkness, just like Washington’s men.”
    His face went a little pink. “I wish I had a funny comeback right about now, but I’m speechless.” Car lights swept through the window from outside, and he reached over to take her hand. He turned it over and touched the blisters on her fingers. “I think that’s the arrival of your Christmas present. It might make you forget about these. At least I hope so.”
    So that’s why he hadn’t given her a present yet. “You had it delivered?” She stayed put as he got up to answer the door. Maybe he’d ordered it late. Heavens, he’d been so caught up in keeping her safe, when had he had the time to shop?
    â€œYou’ll see.” He went to the door and stepped outside.
    She heard footsteps up the steps and across the porch, more than one set. Craning her neck, she tried to see through the window, but it was too dark to make out much other than it appeared to be a family, probably the late arrivals she’d been warned about. He’d be disappointed it wasn’t his delivery. Sighing, she rose to attend to her duties.
    Libby rose as well and motioned to her to sit back down. “I’ve got this. The doctor said you aren’t to do anything for at least a week, and I mean to make sure you obey him.”
    Delilah sank back onto the sofa and took a sip of her eggnog. Two little girls entered the room first. She guessed them to be about two years apart, maybe six and eight. A pretty woman in her late thirties with dark-brown hair entered next, and she smiled as she looked around the room.
    Her gaze settled on Delilah and stayed there. “I would have recognized you anywhere. The family resemblance can’t be missed.”
    Delilah smiled back in spite of her confusion. The woman obviously had her mixed up with someone else. She had no family left.
    Tom and another man entered right behind the woman. The guy was about forty with dark hair trimmed close to his head in a military cut. He had the erect bearing of a Marine, and something about him caught her attention. He looked like someone she knew, but she couldn’t quite place who.
    He took a step forward. “Delilah.”
    His intent gaze disconcerted her, and she rose

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