A Sticky End

Free A Sticky End by James Lear

Book: A Sticky End by James Lear Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Lear
    â€œYes. All over us.”
    â€œGod, Mitch. Have I really sunk this low? Picking up some stranger in a pub and—now this?”
    â€œGo on. It’s okay.”
    â€œWhen he’d finished, we took it in turns to suck him. He had a hand on each of our heads, and he pulled us on and off him just as he pleased. I was wanking Durran, Durran was wanking me, we were both sucking Frank…”
    â€œAnd then Frank did something rather peculiar.”
    â€œSome people would say he already had.”
    â€œYes. But this… I remember thinking at the time it was
a curious thing to do with someone that you really didn’t know. You remember I told you about how he’d shaved me that time?”
    â€œOh yes.” Another item on my list of things to do to Morgan when this is all sorted out.
    â€œWell, he said he was going to shave Durran. Durran looked puzzled—a bit worried, I suppose, as well he might, because Frank got his razor from his room and started stropping it. A great big old-fashioned cutthroat razor. If I’d been in Durran’s shoes, I’d have shat myself.”
    â€œHe didn’t, did he?”
    â€œNo, thank God, considering I was in the bath with him. But Frank put him at his ease, and lathered his face up, and got to work on him, wiping the foam and the bristle off the blade with a towel. Durran was excited, and so was I—it was wonderful to watch Frank concentrating so hard, doing such a neat, careful job. Durran’s head was thrown back, his eyes were closed, and his throat was exposed. Frank could have killed him in a split second, but Durran trusted him. Then Frank handed me the razor and said, ‘You finish him off, Morgan.’ There was just a little patch of lather on the side of his face, and I think he wanted to see me do it. I was all fingers and thumbs—when I took the razor from Frank, I fumbled it a bit, and almost dropped it, and cut my finger. Look.”
    He held out the index finger of his left hand—there was a small nick between the first and second knuckle, about a quarter of an inch long, and not very deep, but enough to have drawn blood.
    â€œDurran looked worried then, and well he might—I was sucking my finger, and my hands were shaking, and I don’t think he wanted me waving a razor in his face. So Frank took it back and finished the job himself. Durran washed his face, and then got back to sucking Frank’s cock. After a while, Durran and I got out of the tub and dried each other,
while Frank had a quick splash around, and then—well, we finished off.”
    â€œHow, exactly?”
    â€œI was down on my knees sucking Frank’s cock, when I felt Durran’s fingers at my rear end. So I hoisted my bum up in the air like a dog, and he fucked me. God, Mitch, I like a good fucking—nobody knows that better than you—but that thing was enormous. I felt like he was stretching me.”
    That explained why Morgan had afforded such easy entry this morning.
    â€œBut once he was in, and I’d got used to him, it was fine. I had Frank down my throat and Durran up my arse, and I just let myself go. I don’t know who came first. I wasn’t even aware that I’d come at all, until we were wiping up afterwards and I noticed that there was spunk all over the floor underneath me. I’d lost all track of the world—all I could think about was cock.”
    He sighed.
    â€œAnd then Durran left?”
    â€œAfter a while. I went downstairs to get my clothes, because I was cold. When I went back up, Durran was on his way down. He slapped me on the arse and told me I was a lovely ride, or something like that. Then he went down to get dressed, and I went to see what Frank was doing. He was in the bathroom with a towel wrapped round his waist, standing at the sink cleaning his teeth. It was his normal ritual after

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