Saint And Sinners

Free Saint And Sinners by Tiana Laveen

Book: Saint And Sinners by Tiana Laveen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiana Laveen
Tags: Romance
all of his teeth. “I guarantee you
     that I will help your spouses find new jobs if that is their desire. I know a lot
     of people in the therapy field, Jagger, and I’m sure I can get some referrals. Lawrence,
     Donna works in consumer resources, and I have no expertise in that, nor do I know
     many people in that arena, but Xenia may, and I can certainly ask. She knows people
     all over the country and can probably call in some favors. I will also pay all of
     your relocation fees. I want to make this as easy for you as possible.”
    Both men stood and stared at him. Saint wasn’t certain what was going on, but then
     he heard Lawrence speaking telepathically, loud and clear.
    “Get your ass over here…”
    Saint’s smile grew impossibly bigger. Without a second to waste, he sauntered up to
     the man, placed his glass down, and was enveloped into a bullish hug. Jagger joined
     in, both men taking him under in a friendly, playful wrestling match. He managed to
     free himself, then raced across the room, still wearing that huge grin on his face.
     Popping out his cell phone, he fought the urge to burst out laughing with exhilaration
     as he dialed a number.
    “Yo, man! What’s up?” he asked the fella on the other end as Jagger and Lawrence spoke
     softly amongst themselves.
    “What you up to, fuckuh? Ain’t heard from you in a week…must be chasing someone down,
     trying to act like you important or some shit.” Raphael burst out laughing. Saint
     could hear customers in the background, and the tranquil sounds of cool jazz.
    “Guess what? I’m coming back home. I’m coming to New York.”
    “Oh cool! Let’s get together, when should I expect you? Hold up, Saint…this fool in
     here wildin’ out. No man,” Raphael yelled at someone. “I already gave you a thirty
     percent discount on that watch, I’m not taking off a penny more. That price stands!”
     Raphael grumbled and mumbled into the phone. “Mothafuckas always tryna get over. This
     ain’t no charity, damn!”
    “Raphael…baaaaaybyyyy!” Saint chuckled. “You don’t understand. I’m moving back there. I’m coming home to stay, man.”
    “…Don’t play with me, Saint! Don’t fuckin’ kid around like that man!” Raphael screamed,
     as if his favorite team was winning the Superbowl and there were only ten minutes
     left in the game.
    “I’m not playing or kidding around, I’m serious.” Saint put his hand on his hip and
     took a deep breath, feeling his plans growing feet and taking off already.
    “Oh shit! Oh shit! I gotta throw you a party, man! I’m going to call all the homeboys. Tick Tock ya don’t stop! Yo!” he screamed out, causing Saint’s eardrum
     to ring. “My best friend is moving back here, son!” Raphael squawked, as if anyone
     in that damn store cared or knew who the hell he was talking about.
    Saint burst out laughing and shot Jagger and Lawrence a glance. The two men stood
     huddled together, not paying him any attention.
    “Yeah… Bruh, I’m coming home, man, It’s time. It’s definitely time …”

Chapter Three

    “I ’m just keeping it one hundred…your pussy is like whoa …” Saint guided his tongue in a slippery caress along her spine while he pushed his
     pelvic bone repeatedly into the soft warmth of her cushiony ass. Xenia buried her
     face in the pillow, clenched her teeth onto a piece of fabric as her expression grew
     undoubtedly serious. He gripped her with big hands around the waist as he slid down
     her damn body until he was at the place he continuously claimed to covet. He flicked
     his tongue all over her ass cheeks, then gently bit into them.
    “Ohhhh, shit!” She sighed, her muffled sounds of appreciation certainly urging him
     on. In a sudden motion, he flipped her on her back, causing the bed to squeak. He
     clasped her neck with one hand and brought her lips to his. He devoured her with his
     kisses, trailed them along her face and mouth with unfathomable urgency.

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