Punished by My Neighbor 4-Book Box Set
emergency--sorry about the hold up.”
    Ruff hushed him. “She didn’t mind the wait.”
    I opened my mouth to protest or to welcome them or to say I was glad they were safe, but one sharp look from Ruff and my mouth snapped shut before I could utter a word. For such a red-headed mischievous sort, he was much more stern than I’d have expected. I suddenly found myself wondering about their work hierarchy at the firehouse, but didn’t dare ask aloud.
    “Can I get you anything?” I asked and Bren grinned, scrubbing his hands through his blond hair.
    “You sure you’re ready to take care of three men, princess?”
    Elliot and Ruff smirked knowingly and I wondered about the full implications of take care of as he meant it.
    I shrugged and the ties of my wrap dress loosened just enough for my dress to slip down my shoulder. Languidly, I traced my fingers over my collar bone to fetch the neckline, but Elliot stepped close and grabbed my hand. “Leave it, Bella” he said, his voice gravely.
    I nodded, wishing I could think of something sexy to say, but these three men left me tongue tied. My nerves felt naked under their masculine desire and I ached for each one of them.
    Elliot massaged my palm for a moment, warming it. My knees wobbled and I leaned against him to steady myself.
    “Already made her choice, has she?” Bren said, nudging Ruff with an elbow.
    “We’ll see about that,” Ruff said, the challenge clear.
    I glanced from one man to the next, Elliot’s dark hair curling to his shoulders making him look like an ancient Roman god, Ruff’s smattering of freckles making him look like a reckless imp (though I knew better by now--the man was outright dangerous), and Bren who seemed so friendly but his piercing blue eyes promised a savagery I wasn’t sure either of the other two men could match.
    I couldn’t have chosen if I’d wanted to. And I didn’t want to. Bren stepped behind me then, snaking an arm around my waist and gathering me tight against his chest, the buckles of his uniform's suspenders biting into my back. “That’s right,” Ruff said. “You two hold her steady for me.”
    Elliot brought his mouth close to my ear and whispered, “We only let him go first because he’s the smallest of the three of us--we’ll give you a chance to get used to us one at a time before working up to all of us at once.”
    I gasped. They expected me to pleasure all of them at once? How was that even physically possible? I mean, sure, I could have handled Mr. Teeny Weenie and his tiniest friend (and you know the man had pencil dick friends). But these men... The testosterone that swirled around me now as Ruff began to free his muscle-bound chest from his uniform made it clear these men were going to be well-equipped to take me on their own.
    And the math still didn’t add up for me--I could approximately imagine DP with one man standing to my front and one to the back. But where did the third cock go, exactly? There wasn’t time to consider, though, as Ruff had freed himself of his uniform and his yellow firepants slumped on the floor around his bare feet. His cock glistened with precum and swelled to a truly impressive size. I swallowed, hard, and looked at Elliot, hoping he’d revise his prior statement about Ruff being the smallest, but instead he untied my wrap dress, holding it in place with a warm, wide palm.
    Bren gestured to my dress, but Ruff shook his head and shrugged, his taught muscles rippling across broad shoulders. So, I was to be left mostly dressed, for now, at least.
    Ruff’s freckles splattered across his entire body, from his hairline down to between his toes. Even his cock had been well speckled as if an artist had shaken a paint brush over him again and again. An urge stirred in me to trace each over each one with a tender fingertip.
    He stepped closer, his cock swaying in anticipation and I realized I couldn’t drag my eyes from the spectacle of it. He was better hung than even Mr.

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