Hot Holiday Houseguests

Free Hot Holiday Houseguests by Cheryl Dragon

Book: Hot Holiday Houseguests by Cheryl Dragon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Dragon
Tags: Romance
    Chapter One
    Kelly put all the stress of the wedding plans and freelance graphic projects out of her mind as she lit candles around the living room. Mark’s big project at work was done, and they had a nice weekend ahead of them. She wanted to make sure they took full advantage.
    She lit a fire in the big stone fireplace and laid out a thick blanket with a couple of pillows, hiding the handcuffs beneath one. She wanted her fiancé to get the message. She needed some attention.
    Mark made her fantasies come true, but he’d been working so much she ached for his time. Being tied up, spanked and a little rough sex was in her future. He loved role playing, and she never felt self-conscious with him. They were a great match sexually and in the rest of life.
    It was almost time for him to walk through the front door. She dropped her long silk robe, leaving the see-through lace slip she’d worn underneath. It was cheap and itched a little, but Mark tended to rip her lingerie. He liked that it was the same light blue as her eyes.
    Plus the lace hid nothing from view. Kelly grew moist in anticipation. She pulled her hair free from the ponytail she’d worn while she’d worked, and the reddish brown curls spilled over her shoulders.
    His key hit the lock, and her cunt tightened. No more working late for him; no more meeting and calls at all hours. Not this weekend. Christmas was this week so they’d have more time alone.
    Mark dropped his briefcase as soon as he opened the door and tossed his keys on the side table. Taking off his coat, he finally looked at her.
    Kelly smiled. “I missed you.”
    Mark pushed the door closed. His wavy brown hair and big brown eyes made her melt, but that strong jaw and muscled form made her ache. The man possessed a confidence in bed she envied and needed. His devilish grin told Kelly the timing was perfect for a seduction. “Looks like you really missed me.”
    His dress pants and shirt were gone shortly after his shoes. When he finally got to her, he kissed her hard, holding her against him so all that rough fabric rubbed her tender skin. Mark’s erection throbbed on her hip through his boxers.
    “Sure you weren’t waiting for the UPS guy?” he asked.
    “Only if I get you both.” It had taken her a year to talk like that. Mark had helped her be freer with her sexual needs and fantasies.
    She knelt down and took off his socks then the boxers so he was completely nude. Licking up his shaft, she squeezed his balls. Kelly sucked him down then tongued the tip. It felt like forever since they’d been able to put the outside world truly outside their home.
    “In a hurry?” He grabbed her hair and tried to ease her back.
    Releasing him, she pulled him down to the blanket. “Not a rush. We’ve got all weekend. But I am in serious need of round one.”
    Mark lay on his back and moved a pillow under his head, revealing the cuffs. “You’re begging for a marathon.”
    “Not up for it?” She flicked her tongue on the tip of his cock and rolled the taste of his pre-cum around her mouth.
    “Oh, you’re in for it.” He smacked her ass through the lace. “You need it faster so you better ride.”
    She waited a few seconds to get another sweet slap on her ass. It felt so good her hips wanted to grind back for more. But her pussy’s needs won just then.
    Straddling his hips, Kelly slid down onto his cock and felt that sweet reward of fullness. Then Mark gave her a preview of the roughness, jerking the front of her slip until it ripped and her breasts spilled out into his large hands.
    He gripped her breasts and held as his teeth and tongue gave her nipples needed attention. The nips and sucks made her cunt quiver, and her hips took over. Riding Mark, she planted her hands on his shoulders and drove hard and fast. She could come twice to his once if she tried. But he could help or hinder that. He loved to tease her.
    Her hips worked overtime, grinding on him, not wanting

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