SHANK (A Wilde Crime Series)

Free SHANK (A Wilde Crime Series) by j.a. kazimer

Book: SHANK (A Wilde Crime Series) by j.a. kazimer Read Free Book Online
Authors: j.a. kazimer
one. It must have weighed sixty pounds. What the hell was she carrying? Drew helped me load the car while Frankie squished into the backseat with Clair.
    “Ready?” I asked once we were settled. Clair nodded, looking forlorn and a little lost, her face growing more distance and fearful with every mile that past. Guilt snuck up on me, but swallowed it back. In the city, feelings were the enemy, conscience a death wish. The cards had been dealt. It was time to play my hand.

Chapter 16

    After a couple of hours on the highway we pulled to the curb in front of O’Malley’s. I stared at the decaying building, seeing it through Clair’s eyes. I’d be surprised if she didn’t run before we reached the front step. “Drew,” I said with a pointed glance at Frankie. “Why don’t you and Frankie get Clair’s bags?” I needed to gain Clair’s agreement before we went any further. For that I had to get rid of Frankie. Drew gave me a blank look until I titled my head toward Clair.
    “ Oh, right,” he said with a nod. Moron, I thought as Frankie glared at me with suspicion. Drew opened the car door and helped her out of the backseat. Her eyebrow rose in question but she didn’t push.
    “So what do you want?” Clair asked once we were alone.
    “I need your help.” I’d be as upfront as possible , and if that didn’t work I’d play the guilt card. After all, I had taken a bullet for her. “I want you to come to Grand Cayman with me.”
    “You’re going after Jack’s money?”
    She was blonde, but not stupid. “Yes. I want you to help me get it.”
    “Pretend to be Bev,” I told her. She looked at me like I was the dumb one. “We go in with fake passports and the account number, and walk out with twelve million. Piece of cake.”
    “ That’s crazy.” Her eyes narrowed. “It is not going to be that easy. For one thing, we’ll need Jack’s password.”
    That was true, but I had Andy. If anyone could get the password… “I’ll have the code. What I need is a Bev. Are you in or not?” It sounded cold even to my own ears.
    “You can be a real bastard, can’t you?”
    I nodded.
    She stared at me, eyes calculating. “Twelve million, huh?” I nodded again. Biting her lip, she said, “Okay. I’m in.”
    R elief washed through me. “Great. One more thing.” I paused, my eyes locked on hers. “You have to keep this quiet. Nobody can know. Not Zoë or Colin.” I glanced to Frankie, who was busy yelling at Drew. “Or anyone else.”
    “ She doesn’t know?” Clair gestured to Frankie.
    “No, and I want to keep it that way.”
    “I won’t say a word.” Her expression turned questioning. “Don’t you trust her?”
    “With my life.”
    Clair winced . “Ian, I—” I waved off her apology. If things went according to plan I’d forgive just about anything. Money can do that. Make a person’s sins much easier to swallow. She nodded, her gaze filled with regret. “When do we leave?”
    “One week.” I took her hand. “If you don’t want to do this…it’s okay.”
    “I owe you.”
    “You don’t owe me a thing.” I tried for sincerity, but missed the mark.
    “That must have been hard to say.”
    “Even harder to mean.” I grinned.
    She laughed, back on familiar ground. I helped her from the car and led her into the bar. Her face fell as we entered the room. Five of our regulars sat watching highlights from the day’s sporting events. They sipped lukewarm beers and smelled like rotting flesh. One guy belched out a welcoming hello.
    “Nice place,” she lied, glancing around.
    I shru gged, irritation obvious in the set of my shoulders. What did I care what she thought of the bar anyway? O’Malley’s had character. Frankie came up behind me, and amusement replaced my annoyance. “I had Drew put her luggage in your room,” Frankie said, in a tone meant to question my mental ability. The sleeping arrangements had yet to be discussed, but leave it to Frankie to cut to

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