SHANK (A Wilde Crime Series)

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Book: SHANK (A Wilde Crime Series) by j.a. kazimer Read Free Book Online
Authors: j.a. kazimer
the chase.
    Clair glanced at her, lips creased into an awkward smile. “The couch will do.”
    “Guess you’re homeless, Frankie,” Drew teased, lifting a beer from the cooler. The pop of the cap echoed in the silence that followed his comment. Fucking Drew. Frankie’s eyes moved to mine. Before I could say anything Drew spoke, “You can crash at my place Frankie. I only have the one bed but I’m sure we can make do.” He waggled his eyebrows.
    “I’d rather sle ep in the alley,” she responded, heading toward the staircase. I smacked Drew in the back of the head.
    With Clair next to me, we followed Frankie up the steps. “Did I say something wrong?” Clair asked with concern.
    “No.” I shrugged. “Frankie’s been staying with me.” Clair’s eyebrows rose and I quickly added, “On the couch. She sleeps on the couch.”
    Clair stopped Frankie before she could go into the apartment. “I didn’t know,” she whispered, touching Frankie’s arm.
    Frankie turned her head away. “No biggie.”
    “Why don’t we share the bed and Ian can sleep on the couch?” Clair looked so sincere like she’d solved all our problems. I glared at Frankie. This wasn’t what I had in mind. It wasn’t like I expected Clair to fall into my arms, but I wouldn’t have turned down an invitation to share her bed. I hated that lumpy couch.
    Frankie’s smile filled with mischief, enjoying herself at my expense. “That sounds wonderful. We can have pillow fights and stay up late talking about boys...”
    “Enough smartass,” I warned, but Clair just laughed.
    “What’s it going to take to make you like me?” she questioned, brushing a lock of bleach blonde hair from her eyes.
    Frankie sobered. “I don’t like to see Ian hurt. He’s a good man.”
    “ He’s also standing right here,” I complained.
    “ I won’t hurt him. Not ever again.”
    I sighed loudly, trying to gain their attention. But it didn’t work. Frankie stared at Clair for a long minute and nodded. Apparently whatever she saw in Clair’s gaze had convinced her that Clair wasn’t out to get me. Too bad too, I could have used a little ‘getting’. “Now that that’s settled…” I stood talking to myself as they walked into my bedroom. Damn. Things were not going according to plan.

Chapter 17

    “That’s her?” Mickey’s eyes widened the next afternoon as Clair came into the backroom of the bar dressed in tight jeans and a tank top. The black cotton hugged her curves, mocking me. Mickey continued, “It’s no wonder you got shot. I wouldn’t have been paying attention either.”
    I glared at him. “I was paying attention.” But he was right. I’d let Clair distract me and it had nearly gotten us killed. I should have expected and prepared for an ambush. I titled back my beer and drank deeply before I picked up the cards in front of me and called Mickey’s bluff.
    He grinned, throwing his cards down. “Don’t you ever lose?”
    “Nope, some of us are born winners, while others….” I trailed off.
    Clair came toward us. “Hi.”
    “All settled then?” I tipped back in the chair and glanced up at her. My tone conveyed just what I thought about the living arrangements. Last night I spent hours tossing on the couch while Frankie and Clair bonded over hairstyles and tampons. And to make matters worse, this morning I found two sets of panties hanging over the shower curtain. The two women appeared united in the mission of driving me crazy.
    “The bed’s real comfortable.” Clair winked at me and then turned to Mickey with interest. He straightened in his chair and patted down a wayward tuff of hair that struck out from the brim of his baseball cap.
    “ Clair.” I gestured to Mickey. “This is Frankie’s brother and the ass you’re saving.”
    “ Your name’s not really plonker, is it?” she asked, laughing. I smiled at the Irish slang for idiot and Frankie’s favorite nickname for her dumbass brother. Sadly, it fit him

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