Rainwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story

Free Rainwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story by Krista Lakes

Book: Rainwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story by Krista Lakes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krista Lakes
have much time.
    "Sir, your flight is in less
than twenty minutes," the disembodied voice came through the intercom.
Owen's mouth opened as he panted for breath, his body beginning to shake with
exertion. I kissed his ear, feeling the velvety softness across my lips as I
whispered his name. I wanted him so badly, my entire spine was on fire with
    We locked eyes, and his mouth
dropped open. I nodded silently, quickly, letting him know it was okay. With a
groan of release, Owen spasmed underneath me. I leaned my head against him, his
shoulders heaving with effort. He wrapped his arms around me, keeping me close
for a moment longer, absorbing me into him.
    "That wasn't quite what I
expected when I came out here," he murmured into my ponytail as it ran
down my back. "I really did just come to bring you flowers."
    I giggled and sat up, looking into
his perfect face. His hair was mussed and his cheeks flushed, but his eyes held
mine like a magnet. I didn't want to ever look away.
    "Just don't go telling anyone
that all it takes is flowers," I said, only half joking. Owen stretched
his neck and kissed the tip of my nose.
    A knock on the privacy glass broke
into our moment as the driver reminded us that we couldn't stay like this
forever. Owen kissed me once again before helping me slide onto the seat and
back into my pants. We were both dressed again in moments, hardly a trace left
behind as Owen opened the door to let me out.
    It was dark and cold outside, and
all I wanted to do was jump back into the limo and back into Owen's arms. One
look at him told me that he felt the same way, but he dutifully opened the
driver's door to my beaten up little Neon. Emma had offered to buy me a new
one, but this one worked just fine, other than an old battery.
    I set the bouquet of flowers and
the bags of extra Chinese food in the back seat, coming back around for one
more kiss. Owen pulled me close, his lips and tongue hot compared to the
winter's night. I kissed him like I was drowning and he was air. Like I needed
him in order to breathe. I wasn't sure anymore that I didn't.
    The chauffeur coughed discreetly
after too short a time. Owen cupped my cheek and gave me one last quick kiss
that made my lips tingle for more before turning away. I got into the warm
driver's seat and watched as he hurried into the limousine. I raised my hand,
not wanting to wave goodbye as the door closed and he drove off into the night.
    I drove home, unable to decide if I
was happy or sad. The two emotions played tug-of-war, pulling me toward glad I
had seen him back to gloomy he had left. I barely made it into pajamas before
collapsing in bed, drifting into dreams of Owen.

Chapter 10
    S ix A.M. came far too early the
next day. I groaned and rolled out of bed, the wood floor creaking and cold
under my feet. I heard the automatic coffee pot sputter, and I trudged into the
kitchen, wishing I could just go back to my dreams with Owen.
    The flowers were still in the
plastic on my kitchen table. At least I had put them in water before collapsing
into bed, so they were still beautiful and vibrant. I lowered the cellophane
wrapping and took a deep breath. The soft floral notes didn't remind me of the
ocean anymore. They reminded me of someone with blonde hair and deep blue eyes.
I smiled, enjoying the memory. I wondered what Owen was doing right then.
    I snapped myself out of my
thoughts, quickly drinking my coffee so that I could get in the shower. I had
another twelve-hour shift in front of me, and no matter how much I would rather
spend my morning daydreaming, I had work to do.
    T he ER was busy for the first half
of the morning. Patients trickled in at a steady rate, keeping me busy as I
raced around between the rooms. Despite the work, I was walking on air. I knew
I had a silly smile on my face as I went through my routine, but I didn't care.
I had seen Owen last night and it had been fantastic. There was nothing that
could spoil this day for

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