Santa Fe Woman

Free Santa Fe Woman by Gilbert Morris

Book: Santa Fe Woman by Gilbert Morris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gilbert Morris
    “Oh yes. It’s in the back.”
    “I’ll make me a bed in the straw. See you in the morning, Miss Hayden.”
    He turned and was gone before she could speak. She watched him as he led the horse around the house. She was dissatisfied with the arrangement, but it was too late to wake people up.
    Going inside, she groped her way up the stairs, and when she got to her room she closed the door softly. It took all her energy to undress and put on her nightgown. When she got into the bed, the last thought she had was, Well, we’re this far at least….
    * * *
    “WHERE DID YOU PUT him, Jori?” Leland asked. He had come downstairs early to find that Jori had already risen. He listened closely as she told him about getting the sheriff’s permission to bring Rocklin with them on probation. Before she had time to finish, Mark and Carleen came down the stairs followed by Kate.
    “Where is he?” Carleen said, her eyes dancing. “Is he an outlaw?”
    “Don’t be foolish!” Jori said irritably. “We got here late. I didn’t want to get you all up, so he slept in the stable.”
    “Well, he’s probably hungry,” Leland said. “Someone go get him, and he can have breakfast with us.”
    “I’ll go,” Carleen said. Before anyone could speak she darted out the door and was gone. Leland grinned ruefully. “I think she’s already fallen for our wagon master.”
    “What’s he like, Jori?” Mark asked.
    “He’s got an outdoor look.”
    “Well, that’s a good thing,” Mark grinned, “since the trail to Santa Fe is outdoors. Tell me something more than that.”
    “No. I’m going to help Aunt Kate fix breakfast.”
    “I guess we’ll all help. Mark, you set the table,” Leland said. “I’ll fix the coffee.”
    * * *
    CARLEEN SLIPPED INSIDE THE barn and looked around and saw no one, but a whinny came to her, and she ran down the aisle that contained the stalls on each side. In one of them was a big red horse looking down at her. Her eyes grew big, and she said, “What’s your name?”
    “His name is Red.”
    Carleen whirled to see a man rise up out of the stall on the other side. He had straw in his hair, and for a moment she was frightened. But then she said, “I’ll bet you’re our wagon master.”
    “You think so? Maybe I’m a burglar.”
    “No, you’re not a burglar. Burglars don’t have horses. You say his name is Red?”
    “That’s right. What’s your name?”
    “I’m Carleen.”
    “Carleen Hayden, I expect.”
    “Yes. I know your name. It’s Rocklin. I heard my sister and my father talking about it.”
    She watched as the big man came out. He brushed the straw off of his shoulders, and she asked suddenly, “Where’s your gun? Don’t you wear a gun?”
    “Sometimes I do. I don’t think I’ll need one today.”
    Carleen studied him carefully, her eyes big. “How many people have you killed?” she demanded suddenly.
    Rocklin suddenly grinned. His teeth looked very white to her against his bronze skin. “Not too many. I killed more of them than they did of me.”
    “That’s foolish!”
    “I expect it is. What are you doing down here?”
    “I came down to get you for breakfast. They’re fixing it.”
    “I reckon I need to shave first. You know where I can get some water?”
    “There’s a pump outside. Can I watch you?”
    “I charge fifty cents for spectators.”
    “You’re teasing me.”
    “That’s right, Miss Carleen, I am. Come on. You can watch me shave if you like.”
    “Good, and then we’ll go on up to the house and eat breakfast.”
    * * *
    “HERE THEY COME,” MARK said. He was peering out the window of the front door as the two figures appeared. “He’s a big one, and he looks pretty tough.”
    Leland came over to look out. “I guess he is.” He opened the door, and as Carleen came skidding in, she said, “He’s not wearing his gun, but he’s got one.”
    Ignoring Carleen, Leland put out his hand. “I’m Leland Hayden. This is my son Mark, and

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