The Little Sparrows

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Book: The Little Sparrows by Al Lacy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Al Lacy
shook as he continued to sob.
    Mary hugged him tighter. “Please stop crying, Johnny. It’s going to be all right. I won’t let them separate us.”
    Johnny’s blinked at his tears. A hopeful look came into his eyes. “Promise?”
    Mary took a deep breath. Her throat tightened, but she got it out. “I promise.” She kissed his cheek and released her hold on him.
    Johnny sniffed, ran a shirtsleeve across his face, and looked up at Frances. “Mrs. Roberts, why did God take Mama and Papa to heaven when we need them so much?”
    The silver-haired woman met his questioning gaze. “I can’t tell you why He took your parents, Johnny. But I can tell you this—God never makes mistakes. He had a reason for doing so, but we might not know what it was till we get to heaven and He explains it to us. Let’s go into the parlor. There’s a Scripture I want to show you that is related to your question.”
    Moments later, the children were seated on the sofa, and Frances was on the chair where the pastor had sat earlier. Johnny had gone to the guest room and brought Frances’s Bible to her.
    She opened the Bible, and while she was flipping pages, she said, “I want to read you a very special verse from Romans chapter 8.” She found the page. “It’s verse 28. Paul is addressing God’s people. Listen. ‘And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.’ Did you notice he said
    Mary nodded. “Yes, ma’am. I remember Mama and Papa talking about this verse. Papa pointed out the word
. And he pointed out the words
work together
. He said all things that come into ourlives are not good, but that they
work together
for our good.”
    “He was right, honey. And only God could make it work like that. What I wanted to do was to help you understand that
all things
—including this tragedy—will work together for good, and you will see it one day.”
    Johnny set serious eyes on Frances. “Mrs. Roberts?”
    “Yes, honey?”
    “Mary told me that God will take care of my sisters and me. She said He will see to it that we have food and clothes and a place to live. Do
believe He will?”
    Frances smiled. “I sure do, Johnny. Let me read you what the Lord Jesus said about that. It’s in Matthew chapter 10.”
    She flipped pages. “Verses 29 through 31. Listen to Jesus as He talks about little sparrows.”
    Lizzie’s eyes came to life. “I like sparrows, Mrs. Roberts!”
    “You do, huh?”
    “Mm-hmm. They come into our yard a lot. And doves do too. Sometimes Mama lets me put out bread crumbs for ’em.”
    Frances nodded. “Well, listen to what Jesus said about those little sparrows, honey. ‘Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are numbered. Fear not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.’ When Jesus said that one of those little sparrows shall not fall to the ground without your Father, He is telling us that those little sparrows are never alone. God is always with them.”
    “Mrs. Roberts?” Mary said.
    “Yes, dear?”
    “Didn’t Jesus talk about the little sparrows in the book of Luke, too?”
    “Yes, He did, honey. He said almost the same thing, but it might be good if I show it to you. The way Jesus put it in Luke’sgospel strengthens what I was about to say next.” Turning to Luke 12:6–7, she said, “Now, listen closely. ‘Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.’
    “Now, we saw in Matthew that Jesus spoke of a little sparrow falling to the ground, but that our heavenly Father is right there with him when he does. As I said, He is telling us that those precious little sparrows are never alone. God is always with them. In

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