The Battle of Midway (Pivotal Moments in American History)

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Book: The Battle of Midway (Pivotal Moments in American History) by Craig L. Symonds Read Free Book Online
Authors: Craig L. Symonds
Tags: Ebook, Japan, Aviation, USMC, Naval, WWII, USN, PTO, Battle of Midway, Imperial Japanese Army
Marshall Islands raid, 70, 72–73
    at Midway, 273–74, 275–81
    Lindsey, Robin, 127
    London Naval Conference, 134
    Lord, Walter, 4
    Louisville (American cruiser), 49, 50
    Low, Seth, 117
    LSO. See Landing Signal Officer
    Lundstrom, John B., 41, 86, 279n
    Magda, John, 260–61, 264–65
    Mahan, Alfred T., 13
    Maikaze (Japanese destroyer), 327
    Makigumo (Japanese destroyer), 313n, 339, 342
    Makin, American raid on, 67
    map, 68
    Maloelap Atoll, American raid on, 69–70
    map, 68
    Manchuria, 28
    Marco Polo Bridge incident, 28
    Martlet (British fighter), 58
    Mark 13 and Mark 14 torpedoes. See torpedoes, American
    Marshall, George C., 118, 186, 211
    strategy after Midway, 358–59
    Marshall Islands, American raid against, 66–75, 99
    map, 68
    Massey, Lance (Lem), 193n
    in Marshalls raid, 72–73
    at Midway, 274, 281–87, 285, 301, 305
    Marcus Island, American raid on, 82, 99
    Martin airplanes. See Marauder
    Maumee (American oiler), 14
    Marauder (American bomber, B-26), 236
    MacArthur, Douglas, 358–59
    McCain, John S., 365
    McCarthy, James, 117n
    McClusky, Clarence Wade, 59, 62
    described, 296
    in Marshalls raid, 70–71, 75
    at Midway, 274–75, 276, 279n, 287
    attacks Kidō Butai, 295–301
    wounded, 329
    argues with Browning, 344–45
    career after Midway, 364
    photo, 296
    McCormick, Lynde D., 86
    McHugh, Lee, 73
    McInerny, John E., 260–61, 264–65, 390
    McLeod, Bowen, 6
    Midway Atoll: described, 101–2
    strategic importance of, 102
    Japanese planning for, 102–6, 176–78
    photo, 103
    Mikuma (Japanese cruiser): rams Mogami , 341–42
    under air attack, 351–55
    photo, 354
    Mili Atoll, American attack on, 67–68
    map, 68
    Miller, Henry, 121, 123
    Minneapolis (American cruiser), 351
    Mitchell (American bomber, B-25), 116, 127
    photo, 128
    Mitchell, Samuel G. (Pat), 250–51, 253, 260–61, 263–65
    Mitchell, William (Billy), 116
    Mitscher, Frances, 113
    Mitscher, Marc (Pete): characterized, 111–15
    as CO of Hornet , 115–16
    and the Doolittle raid, 116–17, 119, 124–27
    at Midway, 246–47, 252–54, 265
    launch orders at Midway, 254–56
    confusion of afternoon strike, 331–32
    report on Midway, 249, 256–60, 269n, 389–91
    career after Midway, 363
    photos, 113, 126, 259
    Mitsubishi airplanes. See Betty; Nell; Zero
    Miyo Tatsukichi, 106–8, 110, 195, 206, 357
    Moffett, William, 247
    Mogami (Japanese cruiser): damaged, 341–42
    under air attack, 351–55
    Monaghan (American destroyer), 273
    Morison, Samuel E., 12
    Morrow, Dwight, 114
    Morrow Board, 114, 114n
    Moore, Oral (Slim), 351
    Muri, James, 236
    Murphy, John W. Jr., 340–41
    Murray, George D., 47, 246
    Nagano Osami, 90–93, 100, 109
    photo, 91
    Namur Island. See Kwajalein Atoll
    Nagara (Japanese cruiser), 291, 308, 310
    Nagumo Chūichi: characterized, 35–36
    and the Pearl Harbor raid, 42, 99
    and Midway planning, 177–78, 205
    and the air search at Midway, 222–24
    timing of launch at Midway, 232, 236–40, 242–44, 260, 269, 272–73
    turns north, 256, 269, 269n
    transfers to Nagara , 308
    determines to fight on, 310–11, 319–20
    decides to withdraw, 328, 336
    relieved of command, 337
    career after Midway, 366
    death of, 366
    mentioned, 105, 211, 216–17, 218–20, 281
    photo, 35
    Nakai Kazuo, 74–75, 78
    Nakagawa Masayoshi, 78–79, 80
    Nakajima airplanes. See Kate
    Namur Island. See Kwajalein Atoll
    Nashville (American cruiser), 126, 203
    Nautilus (American submarine, SS-168), 289–95
    attacks Kaga , 326–28
    Naval General Staff (Japanese): and Pearl Harbor, 36–37
    and strategic options, 90–93, 106
    and Midway, 100
    Naval War College (American), 47, 362
    Neches (American oiler), 66
    Nell (Japanese bomber), 32–33, 74–75, 373
    Neosho (American oiler), 154, 156, 158, 160–62, 162n, 173
    Nevada (American battleship), 6–7
    New Britain. See Rabaul
    New Caledonia, 65, 83, 96, 183, 185
    New Hebrides, 83
    New Orleans (American cruiser), 351
    New Zealand, 83
    Newberg, Peter, 325
    Newton, John H., 18
    Nielsen, John L., 159–61, 168,

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