The Battle of Midway (Pivotal Moments in American History)
    Hurricane (British fighter), 93, 95
    Hypo (Station), 135, 135n, 140–41
    and the Coral Sea, 145–46, 181–82
    and Midway, 182–83, 186–87, 213–14, 387–88
    Hyūga (Japanese battleship), 179
    Ickes, Harold, 9, 201
    Indomitable (British carrier), 93
    Ingersoll, Royal E., 317
    Ingersoll, Royal R., 317
    Inoue Shigeyoshi, 33, 87
    characterized, 96–97
    and the Coral Sea, 145–46, 150, 154–55, 179–80
    Inukai Tsuyoshi, 28n
    Ito Takuzo, 80
    Jaccard, Richard, 333
    Jacobs, Tyrell D., 23
    Jake (Japanese floatplane), 159, 222
    photo, 221
    Jaluit, American raid on, 66 (map, 68)
    Japanese Army, politics of, 27–29, 109
    Japanese Imperial Navy: politics of, 29–30
    pre-war strategy of, 32–33
    Java Sea, Battle of, 85
    Jersey, Chester, 136
    JN-25b (Japanese code), 139–43
    Johnson, Robert (Ruff): in flight to nowhere, 262, 263, 317
    returns from Midway, 331
    attacks Hiryū , 342
    attacks Japanese cruisers, 351–52
    Jun’yō (Japanese carrier), 199, 203
    Jupiter (American collier), 13, 113
    Jurika, Stephen, 130, 258–59
    Kaga (Japanese carrier), 33–34, 33n, 43, 44–45, 97, 145, 178, 269–70
    attacked by torpedo planes, 278
    attacked by dive bombers, 301–3
    death throes, 309–10
    sinks, 335n
    Kakuta Kakuji, 198, 202–3, 205, 321
    Karrol, Joseph, 330
    Kate (Japanese torpedo bomber): characteristics, 39–40
    at Midway, 218, 321–24
    photo, 39
    Katsumi Tomoi, 346–47
    Kawanishi airplanes. See Emily
    Kelly, C. Markland, 390
    Kidō Butai: described, 25
    in the Indian Ocean, 93–96
    and planning for Midway, 100–101, 102–4, 108, 181
    at Midway, 214, 217, 222
    attacked by planes from Midway, 232–39, 240–44
    attacked by torpedo planes, 269–73, 278–80, 285–87 (map, 277)
    attacked by Nautilus , 290, 326–28
    attacked by dive bombers, 297–308 (map, 299)
    reorganized, 312
    destroyed, 357
    mentioned, 3, 24, 35, 37, 42, 44, 63, 76, 82, 87, 91, 187, 197, 205
    Kiefer, Dixie, 164, 317
    Kikuzuki (Japanese destroyer), 156
    Kimes, Ira, 225–26
    Kimmel, Husband, 8–9, 15–16, 18, 25
    King, Ernest J.: characterized, 10–11
    appointed CominCh, 12
    relations with Nimitz, 12, 35, 64–65, 76–77, 82–85, 91, 100, 149–50, 183–84
    relations with Fletcher, 148–50, 360–61
    and Pacific strategy, 75–76, 84, 118, 148–49, 184, 358–59
    mentioned, 17, 47, 96
    photo, 10
    Kirishima (Japanese battleship), 291, 339
    Kiska Island, 198, 205, 357
    map, 200
    Kleinsmith, Charles, 318, 325
    Kleiss, Norman (Dusty), 303, 333
    Knox, Frank: characterized, 9
    and Pearl Harbor, 8–10
    and Wake Island, 17
    mentioned, 20, 363, 366
    Kobayashi Micho, 312–16
    Kodiak Island, 202
    Kōdōha Faction (in Japanese Army), 28–29, 31
    Kondō Nabutake, 104–5, 214, 215n, 216, 312, 321
    assumes command of Kido Butai, 337–38
    Konoe, Prince, 31
    Kroeger, Ed, 297, 301
    Kumano (Japanese cruiser), 341–42
    Kunz, Charles, 227–28
    Kurile Islands, 37, 199
    Kurita Takeo, 105
    and mission to shell Midway, 337, 339–40
    Kuroshima Kameto, 210
    Kusaka Ryūnosuke, 239, 244, 308
    Kwajalein Atoll: described, 71–72
    American raid on 69–75, map, 68
    Lae-Salamaua raid, 85–86, 97, 99, 146
    Landing Signal Officer, 61–62, 118
    Landon, Alfred, 9
    Langley (American carrier, CV-1), 13, 45n, 113
    sinks, 85
    Larsen, Harold, 268
    Laser, Samuel, 171
    Laub, Robert, 353
    launch procedures: American, 254–56
    Japanese, 219–21
    Layton, Edwin, 143–46, 206, 387–88
    relations with Nimitz, 144–45
    relations with Rochefort, 143–45
    and Midway, 182–83, 186, 213–14
    photo, 142
    Layton, Sir Geoffrey, 93, 95
    League of Nations, 66
    Leary, Herbert Fairfax, 49, 83
    Leary (U.S. destroyer), 78
    Leslie, Max, 193n, 281, 287, 298, 328
    attacks Sōryū , 305–8
    helps defend Yorktown , 313
    attacks Hiryū , 332–35
    Lexington (American carrier, CV-2): in air battle near Rabaul, 78–79
    in the Coral Sea, 152–53, 155, 156, 162–63, 169
    sinks, 170–72
    mentioned, 15, 18, 33n, 44, 52, 54, 65–66, 114, 146
    photo, 171
    Lindsey, Eugene: in

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