The Rancher's Bride

Free The Rancher's Bride by Dina Chapel

Book: The Rancher's Bride by Dina Chapel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dina Chapel
finish. I’ve been lookin’ forward to being here with you in our bed all day. I’ve been lookin’ forward to making you my wife in every sense of the word,”—Frank started kissing her neck—“showing you how love between a man and a woman can be,” and then kissing her face, “how wonderful it can be to love,” and kissing her lips, softly, “and be loved.”
    As he kissed her, Frank felt Marie relax against him. Her arms came around his neck and she let out a small moan.
    Frank felt that moan like a shot straight to his manhood. He had already been hard since he had pulled her onto his lap, but now it was downright painful. It was all he could do to keep from throwing her down on the bed that very instant and driving into her full force. Instead, he very carefully picked her up and off his lap and placed her on her feet in front of him.
    She stood between his knees, looking confused as to why she wasn’t on his lap anymore.
    Frank reached down for the hem of her nightgown with both hands and carefully lifted it up and over her head. He tossed it on the chair next to the bed and then shook his frustrated head. She was wearing underwear under her nightgown! Frank reached for the corset first, meaning to pull it up and over Marie’s head.
    As he grabbed the hem, Marie tried to push his hands away. “Frank!” Marie protested. “What are you doing?”
    “You’ll move your hands off’n mine right now, young lady,” Frank spoke gently, but firmly. “I aim to see my new wife—all of her.”
    Marie was shaking her head and still holding his hands down.
    “You’re beautiful, Marie. And I’m your husband now. It’s okay.” He tried to reassure her, but he also felt himself losing patience fast. He knew he couldn’t do that. He had to be extra patient with her, especially tonight.
    Tonight was meant to be special. Frank took a deep breath to regain his calm and tried to remind himself of how important it was that Marie have a good experience this first time. She didn’t have any idea what to expect and she was very obviously scared of the unknown.
    Frank turned his hands so that he was clasping hers in his. He squeezed her hands gently and looked at her intently. “I know this is all new and unexpected for you, but I want you to know that it’s okay for me to see you like this and it’s also okay for you to see me without my clothes on.” Frank smiled when Marie shook her head. “A man and woman who are married are meant to come together like this—and there should be nothing between them. That’s the way God intended for us to be.”
    Marie didn’t look too sure about his reassurances, so Frank figured he should just proceed and she would learn by doin’. He made short work of removing the rest of her undergarments, even though Marie was still trying to stop him. It was a fruitless attempt, anyway. Frank could overpower her if he wanted to, even though he wouldn’t, but Marie seemed to realize that fact. She didn’t seem to try that hard to stop him. It seemed to Frank more like a good-girl instinct that she couldn’t help. Frank picked up a naked and nervous Marie and laid her on the bed.
    She reached for the quilt and Frank took it from her grasp and laid down beside her.
    He shook his head. “No covers, sweetheart,” Frank admonished her, wanting her to understand that this was part of their union. She needed to let go and give herself to him.
    Frank ran his hand up and down her side, marveling at her beauty. She was gorgeous, head to toe. Her breasts were firm, not too big, not too small, and her raspberry nipples were already peaked. He leaned over her and took one in his mouth, suckling it and nipping at it gently with his teeth.
    Marie gasped. She had reached for his head and held onto his hair; Frank gauged her reaction to his actions by how she was working her hands on his hair. Seemed she was enjoying what he was doin’.
    He hated to have to stop, even for a second, but he did

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