Refrain (Soul Series Book 3)

Free Refrain (Soul Series Book 3) by Kennedy Ryan

Book: Refrain (Soul Series Book 3) by Kennedy Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kennedy Ryan
Tags: Refrain
realized what it was.” She stands and speedwalks toward the door. “I’ll be right back.”
    “Don’t do this again, Rhys.” Bristol levels a hard look at me once Kai’s gone.
    “Do what?”
    “This thing where you try to control Kai and her career. Just let us handle it. Let her make the decisions for herself.”
    Am I doing that again? I started family therapy at Kai’s request. I didn’t expect to gain much from it except to prove to her how serious I was about addressing my issues. Except . . . now I actually am addressing my issues. I still need a sweater to be in the same room with my own mother because things remain so cold between us, but things have thawed significantly with my father. Dr. Ramirez has helped us a lot. There are two questions she always encourages me to ask myself when I’m sorting through things. Why am I really feeling this way? Have I felt this way before?
    When I use those questions to test my feelings about what Kai should do with these offers, I know. I feel this way, not because I want to control her, but because I honestly believe what I’m saying. Not as the man who loves her and believes the only way I can safeguard our relationship is through control, that controlling her is loving her. But as the man who’s been in this industry basically my entire life and has seen how artists in the game for the long term build their brand. And it’s not based on who they’re dating.
    “Look, the public’s fascination is notoriously fleeting and fickle.” I look at my sister frankly. “Could we accept every opportunity they throw Kai’s way? Make sure she’s seen in as many places as possible? Saturate? Sure. But I think we have to be more strategic than that. We should focus on getting quality songs and producers for her first album, shoring up any vocal weaknesses with this new voice instructor I want her to try, and finding the right acting coach to prepare her. When she appears in her first movie, I want people to be blown away, not categorizing her as some chick who got a part because of who she’s engaged to or because she looks the way she does. Kai’s too good for that. Her foundation goes deep. We should build on that , not on public interest tied to me. She can stand on her own. She should stand on her own. I’m not just saying that as the guy lucky enough to be marrying her, but as the one leading this thing. I believe that’s the right thing for Kai. I believe it’s the right thing for Prodigy, and I’ll tell her so myself.”
    “You just did,” Kai says from the door, her voice softened and a smile teasing her lips. “And thank you, Rhyson, for saying all of that. For believing in me.”
    I don’t know how much of my diatribe she heard, but it doesn’t matter. I meant every word. I’m not biased in thinking Kai is the best thing since sliced bread. Her career, like anyone else’s, if not handled properly, can get off track before it’s even begun. I love her too much to let that happen.
    “I’ll defer to you two lovebirds then.” Bristol laughs good-naturedly, standing up again. “I’ll just keep taking the offers, bringing them to you, and you can decide.”
    Kai and I share a smile, and I’ve never wanted to be someone’s partner so badly. Not just in business, in rocketing her career over the next few years, but in life. I want to share every aspect of my life with her, and for her to know when she shares every aspect of hers with me, I’ll always act in her best interest.
    “See you, Bristol,” Kai says as Bristol leaves the office. She looks back to me, and the frown she wore when she left the conference room comes back. “Hey, can one of the guys drive me somewhere?”
    “What do you need?” I walk over and slip my arms around her slim frame. “I can take you.”
    “Um, okay. I thought you might have stuff to do.” She draws a quick breath and looks up at me. “My doctor had a cancellation, but I need to leave like right

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