
Free SeducingtheHuntress by Mel Teshco

Book: SeducingtheHuntress by Mel Teshco Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mel Teshco
alpha male. What had she expected—obedient silence?
    One of his hands clasped the girth of his shaft before he
began to circle the head of his cock around her vulva. She sighed at the
intimate flesh massaging flesh and yet wanted to scream with frustration the he
was deliberately avoiding her tight, aching clit. Her breath hissed. “No. More.
    She lifted her hips a little then rocked against his cock,
scraping and grinding her clit against him, again and again until she was
moaning and Reuben was scarcely holding it together.
    Even the telltale red glint in his eyes turned her on in
ways she didn’t want to think about. She was making him lose control in every
way that counted. And she’d make damn sure he wouldn’t forget their time
together in any hurry.
    His nearer hand parted her labia before one finger slid in
deep. Her inner muscles clenched around him and she gasped a little before her
channel loosened and he pushed gently in and out, his strokes then becoming
faster, fiercer. Heat intensified at the friction, at the wildness within
seeking release. Then he thumbed her clit and pushed her right to the edge.
    “Not yet. I…I want you inside me when I come,” she said
    Reaching down, she clasped his rock-hard shaft and slowly
sank onto him. Her cunt welcomed every inch of him and she gripped his
shoulders once again as she rocked up and down. Triumph surged as the red of
his eyes flared, even more pronounced. She perceived his losing control to his nightmix wasn’t normal. And she basked in it now she knew he was not a killer.
    Reuben clasped her waist, urging her on, faster and faster.
The water sloshed, splashing the floorboards and droplets hitting the fire and
fizzling loudly.
    She leaned forward, clasping his nape and hanging on as a
climax tossed her high. She called out his name, her inner muscles clenching
hard before he erupted inside her. His groan morphed into a big-cat growl
before his mouth captured hers, their breaths merging and their pulses thudding
in unison as they slowly came back to earth.
    She wilted against him, the bath water cooling and their
skin flushed and smelling of sex and sweat.
    They stayed that way for long minutes, until Isabella’s
muscles began cramping from the awkward position and she had no choice but to
leave the haven of his arms, however reluctantly.
    She wrapped the towel around her once more while Reuben
reclined back in the tub, his stare lazily possessive as he watched her every
move. She lifted a hand, then dropped it back to her side. “I wasn’t expecting
to do…that, after what I did to you.”
    “If you had really wanted to kill me, I wouldn’t be here
right now.” He shrugged, as if talking about nothing more mundane than the
weather. “Besides, I guess I was asking for it, giving you a knife and all.”
    She chewed her bottom lip. She’d been let off all too
easily. “Reverse psychology?”
    “Something like that.” And then, patently lightening the
mood, he added, “I expect you’re starving.” He got out of the bath, dripping
wet and completely unashamed as he stood in front of the fire and jerked his
head in the direction of the rabbits. “I wasn’t able to leave you here alone to
hunt for meat, at least not while you were at your worst. I thought you might
appreciate some rabbit stew.”
    She dropped her eyes from his and tugged the towel harder
around her. “You’re not the killer I expected you to be,” she muttered.
    “I’ll take that as a compliment,” he said with a smile in
his voice.
    She wanted to more than compliment him. She wanted to tell
him her real feelings, let him know that killing him was the farthest thing on
her mind. Heaven help her, she wanted to shout out her love for him!
    His voice softened. “Especially now I realize your aversion
to killing.”
    “How do you know—?”
    “The deer I brought inside,” he reminded gently. “You were
    She nodded. “Although being hungry

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