Chance Collision

Free Chance Collision by C.A. Szarek

Book: Chance Collision by C.A. Szarek Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.A. Szarek
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
back, she whirled away and stalked to her desk. “I’m not going to be a victim to this…situation.”
    Pete’s sigh sounded in her ear. He was behind her, he’d followed closely, but she couldn’t look at him. Ignored the feel of his body heat at her back.
    Attraction or not, kiss or not, he wasn’t going to get away with ordering her around.
    “That’s what I’m trying to avoid,” he said.
    “I’m being punished.”
    “Keeping you safe is not a punishment.” The conviction in his voice made her glance at Pete, but she refused to get taken in by the concern in his expression.
    “So, what, I’m supposed to follow you around until this is over?” Nikki snapped.
    “I’m supposed to follow you around.” One corner of his inviting mouth lifted and she tried to glare again. She couldn’t, but Nikki refused to let it go. He couldn’t cover this up with humour.
    “Aren’t you, I dunno, supposed to solve the case?”
    “I will.” Pete cocked his head to one side. “Don’t worry about me, I can multitask.”
    Nikki snorted. “So what am I supposed to do? Sit on my ass?”
    Pete’s eyes raked her frame and she ignored how her body warmed. “Or you can be my junior detective.” He winked.
    She bit her lip to keep from giving in to a smile. Damn Detective Pete Crane and his charm. “How about you do what you need to and I worry about me?”
    He shook his head. “Not in the cards.”
    The ringing of a cell phone put the brakes on Nikki’s retort.
    “Crane,” Pete said as soon as the iPhone was against his ear. He listened. “Shit.” His eyes rested on her for only a moment before he turned his back, but Nikki wasn’t having it.
    She slipped around him, standing close enough to hear a male voice on the other end of the phone.
    “…been dead no more than a day. Raleigh Carter’s here. He found him. He’s insisting on speaking to you. In person.”
    Jared Manning. Detective Cole Lucas’ partner. Why was he calling Pete? And…dead? Who was dead?
    Her heart sped up and she clenched her jaw, forcing her hands to remain at her sides and not on Pete. Touching him would have made her feel better.
    “Yeah, yeah. He always pulls that crap. He won’t even talk to Andi when he’s got some info.” Disgust dripped from Pete’s voice. He threw a look in Nikki’s direction but didn’t gesture for her to move away. No doubt he knew she could hear his conversation.
    “Can you come out here?” Jared’s tone mirrored Pete’s.
    “Is he high?”
    “Nope. He was supposed to meet Billy so they could party. Ended up finding him dead instead. That’s about all he’ll tell me. But he swears he’ll open up to you.”
    “Son of a bitch.” Pete dragged his hand through his fair hair.
    “Tell me about it. Neil’s on his way.”
    “Did you call the ME’s office yet?”
    “Yup. Max is headed this way.”
    “Good. Assistant to the Medical Examiner himself. We need someone who knows what they’re doing.” Pete frowned as Nikki heard the click of the call being ended. He shoved his phone into his jeans and met her eyes. “Change of plans.”
    “I need to go to my apartment.” Nikki’s voice was irritated, but her expression wasn’t angry. Still gorgeous, of course.
    Pete cleared his throat. “Yes. But I don’t know how long this will take. I’m sorry. You could’ve stayed at the station. You’re safe inside the building.”
    “And have you forget about me? No way. I want to go home, and I want to see Gram later today.”
    “I couldn’t forget about you.” She has no idea, does she? That’s for the better, bucko. Pete studiously ignored her statement about seeing her grandmother. He didn’t want to argue. It wasn’t like he was going to try to keep her away from the woman who’d raised her, either. She had to realise it was different now.
    She was belted in, but her arms were crossed over her ample breasts, shoulders tight. Nikki had no desire to be with him and a

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