Bounce Down: 1st Quarter: Start of Play
that his fingers were still inside me,
touching my quivering clit. I went limp, my body totally spent. I
felt him pull up my pants and reposition my skirt. Then he was
lifting me and placing me on my feet.
    He stepped back and waved his
hand towards the door. “You’re free to leave now, if you still want

Chapter 7
    Momentarily stunned, I stood
there not knowing what to do. So much for not playing his game; I
had played right into his hands, literally.
    I gathered my wits and bent to
pick up my purse, which had fallen to the ground. It was at that
moment he also knelt to retrieve it. We came face to face, with my
hand on the purse and his hand on mine. As we looked at each other,
time seemed to freeze.
    Then he was helping me to my
feet and still holding my hands, leaned down and whispered against
my lips, “I’m sorry,” before tenderly kissing me.
    All the anger and pain seemed
to melt away during his gentle embrace. I knew I was a fool, but I
couldn’t stop myself from returning his kiss.
    Eventually he released both my
mouth and hands. Puzzled, I saw him bend down to pick up the purse;
it had again dropped to the floor. Instead of handing it back, he
undid the clasp and pulled out my nightie.
    My nightie, for want of a
better word, had shoestring straps with a plunging neckline. It
laced up at the sides and was tied with bows at the hips leaving
the remaining sides open, its short length would barely cover
    He held up the silky satin
material and winked. “Its red, my favourite colour. It’s a pity I
didn’t get to see you wearing it for me.”
    No Suzie,
don’t give in! If you do he will walk all over you. Images of our time together flashed through my
mind. It was not lost on me the pleasure I had experienced, had
been when under his control. Even on the occasions where there had
been no discipline, he had still been in charge, directing me or
holding me in place.
    Seeing my uncertainty, he
handed back the nightie. “It’s late, stay the night, no strings. We
can sleep in separate rooms, whatever you like. You can still leave
in the morning if you wish.”
    I briefly closed my eyes. It
was all too much for me and once again, I responded with the first
thing that came into my head. “I would like to take a shower,
    “ Of
    I put my nightie back in the
    “ Do you
happen to have a change of clothes in there?”
    I smiled tentatively. “No, but
I do in my car... perhaps I should shower at home?”
    He shook his head at this. “I
don’t think it’s such a good idea and besides, at home you wouldn’t
get a personal body wash.”
    His invitation was obvious and
I felt like I was once again succumbing to his will. I tried not to
image him washing me. “What happened to no strings?”
    “ No strings
means no sex.”
    “ And the
shower, what’s that?”
    His smile was irresistible.
“Incentive for you to stay.”
    I took a step back. “So
showering together tonight is a one-off right, because last week
you didn’t want to?”
    He stepped closer. “Last week I
wanted to set boundaries.”
    I shook my head. “No, no it
wasn’t only last week. Earlier tonight, you made it clear which was
my bathroom. You said you needed your personal space.”
    Brendon let out a frustrated
oath. “Come with me!” Before I could say no, he was pulling me
through the door towards his room, then into the en-suite.
    As soon as he let go of my
hand, he turned on the shower and within a few seconds had removed
his clothes. Dumfounded, I stood there as he took my purse and
stripped me bare. He didn’t even bother undoing my buttons; instead
just pulled the blouse over my head.
    I could have stopped him, well
maybe not but I could have at least resisted. The reasons I didn’t
were simple. I desperately needed a shower and I couldn’t pass up
the opportunity of showering with him, even if it was for this one
time; my anticipation rising at the thought.
    I could barely hear the

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