Love at the 20-Yard Line

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Book: Love at the 20-Yard Line by Shanna Hatfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shanna Hatfield
hand settled on her shoulder. She lifted her gaze to look up at Brody’s handsome face.
    He bent down until his lips nearly touched her ear, his breath warm on her neck, making a wild shiver work its way through her body.
    “Hey, doll. Thanks for coming tonight. I know it’s loud and not your scene, but if you can sit tight for just a little while, we can escape.” Brody hoped she’d agree.
    Haven didn’t know when her brain and mouth disconnected. She meant to tell Brody he was insane if he thought she’d spend even five more minutes there, but she heard herself say, “Sure, that sounds great.”
    He patted her on the back then wandered off in the direction of the bar where several of his teammates talked to fans. She saw him sign an autograph then signal to the bartender for a drink. As women sidled up to him, she turned away and glared at Hale. He focused his attention on his hamburger, intentionally ignoring her.
    Allie and Rick returned to the table and Allie gulped down Haven’s soda before she could utter a protest.
    “It’s warm in here. Made me thirsty.” Allie fanned her hand in front of her face, stirring the air. “Rick, would you get us something to drink, and maybe a snack?”
    “Sure, babe. Be right back.” Rick headed in the direction of the bar.
    Hale finished his burger and soda, wiped his mouth and hands on his napkin, and got to his feet, following Rick toward the bar. He stopped next to Brody and said something then they both looked Haven’s direction.
    Brody appeared to be agreeing to something. Haven was sure her jaw dropped open when Hale waved at her and walked out the door.
    “Guess you’re either going home with me or maybe some tight-ended football player will take you,” Allie teased, scooting her chair close enough the two of them could talk without yelling to be heard.
    “Allie,” Haven warned, but her cousin sat back in her chair and crossed one long leg over the other. “Lighten up, cuz. You need to let your hair down and have fun once in a while.”
    Allie tugged on Haven’s ponytail and grinned.
    “I do have fun, but you know I hate this sort of thing. I’d much rather go to a concert or a gallery opening or something remotely civilized.” Pointedly, Haven looked over a few tables at a group of men who held a boisterous belching contest.
    “You of all people should know boys will be boys,” Allie said, wondering how Haven could be such a prude when she grew up with the three rough and tumble brothers. “Could you try, just for one night, to have some fun?”
    “I could try, but it’s going to be impossible here.” About to lose her patience with Allie, Haven needed to leave before she said something she’d regret. She didn’t force Allie to go with her to book club meetings or any of the places she would have been bored to tears. It seemed only fair Allie not force her into things that held no interest for her.
    “Seriously? You’ve got that handsome hottie over there making goo-goo eyes your direction every few minutes and all you want to do is leave?” Allie smiled as Rick returned to their table with a basket of chips and two drinks. “What’s with that outfit, anyway? You look like a librarian with your little sweater thing and those glasses. Why don’t you show a little skin?”
    Allie reached over to undo one of Haven’s shirt buttons and received a firm slap to her hand.
    “Don’t even think about,” Haven warned, starting to get up from the table. Allie grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down. “Chill, cuz. I’m just giving you a hard time.”
    “I think maybe you better dial it down, babe.” Rick noticed the angry flames shooting from Haven’s eyes. He knew Allie pushed Haven out of her comfort zone sometimes because she wanted her to have more fun. What Allie failed to grasp was the way she pushed Haven often had the opposite effect, like now.
    Allie realized Rick was right and took Haven’s hand in her own, patting it softly.

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