Love at the 20-Yard Line

Free Love at the 20-Yard Line by Shanna Hatfield

Book: Love at the 20-Yard Line by Shanna Hatfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shanna Hatfield
hurdle one of dad’s big hay bales.”
    “That would be entertaining,” Haven agreed, returning her attention to the game.
    Allie nudged Haven and pointed to where Brody joined his teammates as they walked out of the arena and back to the locker room at halftime.
    “You sure he doesn’t play tight end, because, sweetie, that is definitely what he’s got going on. Don’t you just want to reach out and grab his bum?” Allie giggled as a searing blush colored Haven’s cheeks bright pink.
    “Hey, boyfriend sitting right here,” Rick grumbled, insulted and somewhat peeved at Allie.
    She kissed him on the mouth and rubbed her hand across his shoulder. “And I’ve only got eyes for you, lover boy. I’m just pointing out the obvious to Haven. We all know she needs a little nudge now and then.”
    “Well, keep your nudging to yourself.” Haven fanned her face with the program. Although she secretly agreed with Allie’s assessment, she pretended to be indignant. Thoughts of Brody lingered in her mind. She couldn’t decide if she preferred Brody in his uniform or dressed up like he’d been when they went to lunch. She needed to see him in jeans and a T-shirt in the light of day before she made any lasting decisions, though.
    Reluctantly reining in her inappropriate thoughts where one handsome football player and his extremely attractive backside was concerned, she turned to Hale and talked to him about work.
    The teams returned to the field before Haven even had a chance to run to the restroom, so she stayed in her seat, waiting to see Brody again.
    He made another amazing jump, catching the ball and gaining a few yards before a tackle ended the play. When he got to his feet, he turned his head her direction. Haven smiled and nodded her head in approval, hoping he knew she thought he did well.
    While the team was playing defense she excused herself to the restroom and returned with some of the mini doughnuts Hale loved so much. She purchased two orders of them, knowing she and Allie wouldn’t get any if they had to fight both Rick and Hale for a bite.
    She licked sweet chocolate frosting from her fingers and cheered when the team made another touchdown, moving the score ahead in their favor. The final quarter of the game was brutal and she watched as the rival team repeatedly slammed Brody to the turf and into the dasher boards.
    With just a few seconds left on the clock, his team took possession of the ball and made it to the end zone, winning the game. The crowd erupted into cheers and Haven clapped loudly, watching the players high-five each other then shake hands with the opposing team.
    “That was wicked,” Hale said, knuckle bumping Rick as they gathered up their things to leave.
    “What a game! It was brutal!” Rick kissed Allie’s cheek as they waited for the aisle leading out of the arena to clear so they could leave.
    “I’m too wound up to go home this early. You guys want to go out?” Allie asked as Haven slipped on her jacket and dug around in her purse for a piece of gum. Finding a half-empty pack, she passed it around before dropping it back in her bag.
    “I’ll pass, but Hale, you can go if you want to.” Haven preferred mornings although Allie was a night owl and Hale landed somewhere in the middle.
    “Nah. I’ll take you home and then I think I’ll turn in. I had to fill in at the pharmacy this morning and I’m kind of tired.” Hale grinned as Brody jumped over the dasher boards in the sponsor section. “Don’t look now, but your hero has arrived.”
    “What?” Haven spun around as Brody charged up the steps toward them.
    “Haven!” Brody was all smiles now that the game was over. “Did you like the game?”
    “You played very well,” she said, unnerved by his penetrating gaze. He looked like he wanted something and she wasn’t exactly sure what it was or if she would be willing to grant his wish if she did know.
    “Man, that was amazing,” Hale said, shaking Brody’s

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