Love at the 20-Yard Line

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Book: Love at the 20-Yard Line by Shanna Hatfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shanna Hatfield
hand. “Great game.”
    “Thanks,” Brody said, returning his handshake. “Haven talks a lot about you.”
    “Then I’m surprised you’ll even shake my hand,” Hale said with a teasing smile directed at his sister. “You aren’t telling tales are you, baby girl?”
    “No, I’m not. But I might if you don’t behave yourself.” Haven frowned at Hale, embarrassed he called her baby girl in front of Brody. He’d always called her by that name and the family was used to it. However, she didn’t think it sounded like a very dignified moniker for a business professional.
    Brody laughed and shook Rick’s hand then smiled at Allie, giving her a wink and leaning over to whisper his thanks for dropping Haven in his lap after the last game.
    “If I beg and plead, will you guys come to the party? I’d really like to have you join me,” he invited, seeing the hopeful look on Allie’s face.
    Haven started to say no but an elbow in her ribs from Allie and a shove at her back from Hale forced her to agree.
    “Sure, why not,” she said, turning a cold stare on her cousin.
    “You mean it? You’ll go?” Brody wasn’t convinced he’d heard her correctly.
    “We’ll be there.” Haven thought it was a bad idea, but she felt pressured to agree.
    Brody told them where to go and said he’d meet them there as soon as he could. After pecking Haven’s cheek, he hurried away, glancing over his shoulder once and giving her a pleased smile.
    Excited, Allie bounced on the balls of her feet. “We get to party with the team. This is going to be so cool.”
    “Right. Cool.” The beginning of a headache started pounding in Haven’s temple. She hated big crowds and loud parties. All the drinking, and who knew what else, that went on was definitely not her thing.
    Allie, however, fed off the energy and Rick didn’t seem to mind either.
    Haven looked at Hale as they turned to leave the stands. “If you want to go home, I can leave myself at the mercy of these two.”
    “I’ll tag along,” he said, throwing an arm around Haven’s shoulders as they walked to the exit and went outside. “At least for a little while. That way if you want to leave early, I can take you home.”
    “Thanks, Hale. I appreciate it,” Haven said as she climbed in his pickup.
    They followed Allie and Rick to the sports bar just a few miles from the arena. They walked inside together and the jubilant atmosphere nearly sent Haven rushing back outside.
    It was noisy and rowdy with many of the fans already enjoying the after game party. After making their way to an empty table in a corner, Haven and Hale sat down. Allie decided to mingle and Rick went along to make sure she didn’t get into any trouble.
    Hale ordered two sodas and a burger when a waitress stopped by their table. Haven just wanted to go home. She couldn’t fathom why Brody wanted her to come or how he thought they could talk here. The noise level made it impossible to think let alone converse.
    Even seated beside Hale, she could see his lips moving as he spoke, but she couldn’t hear a word he said.
    She released a sigh and held a hand to her ear, indicating she couldn’t hear him. Hale gave her an odd look and turned his attention to the burger the waitress sat in front of him.
    Irritated, Haven rifled through her purse and pulled out a notepad and pen. She scribbled a note to Hale, asking if they could leave as soon as he finished his burger.
    He read the note and shook his head.
    “Why not?” she yelled, annoyed by the noise and atmosphere. He was getting to be as bad as Allie at making her do things she didn’t want to do.
    Rather than answer, he pretended not to hear her and continued eating his burger. He motioned for her to take some fries but she refused. Again digging through her purse, she found a bottle of pain reliever and took two, hoping it would stop the throbbing in her head.
    With her agitation multiplying by the minute, she contemplated calling a cab when a warm

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