KC Frantzen - May the K9 Spy 03 - May Leads the Way: Trouble Near Tofino

Free KC Frantzen - May the K9 Spy 03 - May Leads the Way: Trouble Near Tofino by KC Frantzen

Book: KC Frantzen - May the K9 Spy 03 - May Leads the Way: Trouble Near Tofino by KC Frantzen Read Free Book Online
Authors: KC Frantzen
Tags: Mystery: Cozy - Dogs
stretch inside the box. I’m sore, especially on my back, between my shoulders. Probably from all the running at Resolute Mountain.
    I shake it off. At least my legs have stabilized.
    We’re moving extremely fast, to the northwest. It’s like the Paris plane ride, with different engines. Their hum calls me to sleep again, but I dare not. Must learn all I can. Hopefully my grr -ing stomach won’t give me away. I’ve not yet learned upper-level skills to keep it quiet.
    Rukan sneers nearby. “The activists make crazy good cover.”
    Agent X-Ray joins in. “ Da. We will arrive with desired documentation for these sectarian nonconformists. This test-run of the NAST cloaking device has been good for our mission.”
    “Indeed. Our secret Nano-Absorb Silencer Technology is working as expected, on the ground, and airborne. Your commander will be pleased.”
    “Perhaps it needs adjustments. With their equipment out of sync, the American agents and facility security did not notice us leaving, but a young goat did. The dogs might have also, had the drugs not been successful. I must make a report.”
    My foe continues. “Noble Leader demands no communication with him until we land. Transmit your report later. Add that I am satisfied with the personnel rigout. Once the exercise began, I was almost invisible.”
    Maybe that’s why I could barely sense him. He was testing new technology. Seems this aircraft is using it too.
    Papers rustle then Agent X-Ray says, “When we deploy our crew and overpower the foreign transgressors, we will add to our arsenal a powerful weapon.”
    Rukan curses. “Rumor. Innuendo. Speak no more of this weapon.”
    What weapon? I must find out and alert HQ!
    “As you wish… What about the dog, perhaps she is hungry.”
    Why does Agent X-Ray care about food for me?
    “Who cares? It will not live long, after we use it for our purposes.”
    Agent X-Ray is firm. “You heard what Overlord said. You are to bring her to him.”
    “I heard.” Rukan’s tone sends fleas hopping down my backbone.
    After a pause, my ears perk up when Agent X-Ray says, “She must be hungry. I will give her something to eat.”
    “Not our rations.”
    “I’ll give her a portion of my own.”
    Rukan grumbles. “If you’re going, take the wand.”
    Rummaging sounds. What’s Agent X-Ray up to, really? Quick. Better look asleep. I keep an eye slit open under my eyebrows and breathe deeply.
    The cardboard box top opens and a bearded face sporting aviator sunglasses looks in. He’s changed out of his uniform too. I still don’t understand… Is he a good guy or not?
    He says, “She’s knocked out. Must not be too hungry–”
    Quick! I sit up.
    Agent X-Ray gives me a thumbs up but keeps his voice cool. “My mistake. She is awake.” He rips apart some pirozhki and offers it.
    My sniffer goes wild. Seriously. I could trust him with a nibble. MMM. Dee-licious pastry. Egg and scallions too. Nice combo.
    He gently says, “Have more.”
    Rukan yells from up front. “Stop talking to it. See if the procedure worked.”
    Agent X-Ray gives me a look like he’s sorry as he waves a device over my back. Bipbipbip.
    Gasp! Microchipped! That’s why I’m sore. How can I be an agent for the K9 Spy Service?
    Rukan sounds pleased. “It took. Good. I will NOT lose the blasted dog again. We will land before long. Secure it on board with harness and cable, then stage the boxes to be offloaded. Hurry. You must navigate.”
    Agent X-Ray reaches into the box towards me, carefully lifting each front paw, then works to secure a too-small dead-cow-hide harness on me.
    Wheeze. Can hardly breathe. Rukan must remember me as a puppy. That’s good. He’ll underestimate me… I hope.
    I listen carefully. Sounds like Agent X-Ray loops the one end of a cable around something then he gives me a solemn look as he attaches the other through my harness. He whispers, “I’ll come back.”
    I wag my nub in thanks, but he’s already gone.
    When I

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